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NamE: *KeLE*


EmaiL addREss:

LocaTioN: EastoN, md

homEpaGE uRL: wELL, you'RE oN it, so....*hEhE*

aNy oThER gENERaL commENTs, taLENTs, mEssaGEs To ThE massEs, eTc:

"it is always dark in the beginning..."
- the neverending story

*i am an angel/i am corruption/i am the agent/of your destruction*

and right now, it is the beginning, and it is very dark... it's time we destroyed the unjustness we are currently being crushed by... i created this page so that other people would come to know and understand that yes, there are people who care... yes, there are people who want to change things... yes, we can make a difference. and we are going to. our generation. the time is now. we've never needed a change in the way the world is run as much as we do today. there are far too many people who complain about our current state of affairs while sitting around, doing nothing about it!! you want a change?? get up off your ass and make something happen!!! That, my friends, is the true purpose of this page... wanna change the world, first change yourself... in the words of the ever-great Jack Kerouac, "REvELatioN is REvoLutioN!¡!"

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