Angel of Compassion
NamE: Sharon
LocaTioN: Ontario
EmaiL addREss:
aNy oThER gENERaL commENTs, taLENTs, mEssaGEs To ThE massEs, eTc:
I've been living my life with my own thoughts to go by. I've taken a lot of things into my life and threw them out in a way that I was not supposed to. I would search for a way to relieve my emotional discomforts and I could not control my behavior. I have made a fatal mistake and none of my so-called friends want to help me get through it. My so-called friends like to just point fingers and not care about the reality of it all. I was not shown a way to communicate to others in a way that everyone can understand. I can do anything in the world that a person wants and it's still not good enough. I have feelings, too.