NamE: joseph
LocaTioN: north carolina
EmaiL addREss: shoutin@hotmail.com
homEpaGE uRL: www.angelfire.com/on2/freemeblue/yeahright.html
aNy oThER gENERaL commENTs, taLENTs, mEssaGEs To ThE massEs, eTc:
change starts with you. once you realize the sad state america is in, it's up to you to do something about it. we gotta organize, make some noise, and be heard. you've already started by coming to this site, but you must do more. if you need ideas, i suggest visiting the Refuse&Resist! web site at mojo.calyx.net/~refuse/altindex.html or email some of these peeps. support this site and others trying to make a difference. my site is at https://www.angelfire.com/on2/freemeblue/yeahright.html.