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NamE: aaron


LocaTioN: charleston,wv

EmaiL addREss:

aNy oThER gENERaL commENTs, taLENTs, mEssaGEs To ThE massEs, eTc:
we've lost it. our whole culture has gone mad. seems hard for a culture with no culture to go as crazy as ours did, but somehow we managed to fuck up america even more. the older i grow the more in fear i am, because i look around and see what the world is becoming. our youth are being brainwashed more and more with each new generation. i look around at my generation and see how dead we are. just a bunch of kids following the norm. whats gonna happen ten years from now when we are expected to be running the country? i dont know... i dont even want to think about it....the way society is built on pride and weath and greed makes me sick. i wanna puke..bleeckk i like to stay away from every thing corporate and focus on my energy and attention on the non judmental environmentally scares me because i dont want to give up myself to be apart of a socially repressed world.. fuck it all ...all im sayin is i fed up. and thats my message to da masses!!!!

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