This is the headquarters of Atari ST emulation. Start all your searches here, it's the place to go. It's got every Pompey disk and every Automation disk written. And of course, the famous FujiBBS can be found here and only here. On Fuji, you can learn about the latest Atari news, get technical help, and talk to the most famous Atarians in the world. (The Alien even left a message or two!) This is the most important site in the Atarian Catalogue, be sure and see it. Developed and maintained by Rich.
This site popped up one day from out of nowhere, and took the Atari world by surprise...its really quite awesome! Here is a wonderful array of colourful graphics and meaningful news items that any Atarian should love to see. And perhaps most importantly, he's got dozens of high-quality you'll probably not find elsewhere. It's updated quite regularly, and it's well-organised. This is, in my opinion, the best ST site (other that the Desktop, of course.) The only problem with it is that his game lists are composed of several large graphic files, and it takes quite awhile to load his pages. But that slight cosmetic aside, this site scores. Kept up to date regularly by Ben.
This is a nice little site, but it's terribly underdeveloped. It shows promise as a good center for harder to find downloads, but it's not updated much, and his selection is pretty puny. The highlite of this page is the selection of ST Format disks. ST Format was a magazine (accompanied by delightful demo disks, sometimes with full versions of good software) produced by Future Publication that had wonderful stories about the ST, plenty of good reviews, and a delightful accompaniment disk. These people are also responsible for Amiga Format, and (you guessed it) PC Format. Of course, ST Format was as superior a magazine to the others as the ST was to the Amiga and PC. Tom has a handful of disk images from ST-F, and some from Amiga-F as well as five or six games; albiet good games. Mail Tom, he's always got time for questions.
The Atari Dungeon is a very outdated Atari site, in fact it's stagnant. However, all the downloads are still available and it's definately worth a bookmark. The graphics used on the page are quite colourful, it's worth stopping by just to see the mutli-colored Unicorn pic. Here you'll find lots of Automation images, with a list of the games on each; however the list of images on the page isn't lined up with the list of games on that if you click on the one that looks right, you'll get the wrong image. Your display must be at 800x600 to read the page, but somehow or another you can't read some of it unless you're at 1024x768. (silly, but its true) This site also has some absolutely fantastic ulitities that no Atarian should be without, excellent hacking/ripping goodies, as well as some fun extras. Be sure and drop by this site, if for no other reason; to look at his pretty, colourful menus.
This is another prime site in the Catalogue, probably second to the Desktop. Aengus Jankowsky is not only difficult to spell, but he's quite bright. His page is a great directory of ST goodies, including some fantastic music links. Anyone interested in ST music should come here straightaway! Aengus wrote AssiST, a good PaCifiST frontend for both 95 and DOS, that makes editing PaCifiST's ini file much less annoying. Also, the utility section contains most everything you could want for emulation. (primarily PaCifiST.) There's a good selection of games here, hard to find items. The programming page here is top-notch, and offers some quality ST programming utils and guides. This page is important in ST emulation, don't miss it!
This is a relatively older site, almost a year old. It's written and maintained by Jamison,who's really pretty cool. His page is bright and colourful, with lots of great homespun graphics. He has all sorts of great pictures to see, and they're all worth the view. He also maintains the Spectrum 512 gallery, with hundreds of great pics for download and a free viewer! There's notes on how he's gotten PaCifiST to run with certain programs, which settings work for him, et al. He's even got pictures for Populous and Dungeon master that you can plaster on your webpage, so delightfully tacky. This site is great, with the perfect amount of gaud and decorum both. If you're looking for hardware, be sure to see his Garage Sale link!
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