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Our Awards Album
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5th Award 
Recieved August 1st 1999 Thank you Sgt. Fats for the special award, and will get that pic of A.J. very soon :) AJ and Mary, I have visited both your sites and have been impressed with the work you have done and continue to do on them. I have bookmarked them both and will revisit in the future. AJ, I read what you said in my guest book. I must tell you that you should confide in the one who cares about you the most. Mary I must tell you, make AJ put a current picture on your site! I also wonder if you both would do me the honor of placing the attached award on each of your awards pages. It is a one-of-a-kind I designed for you both. If you wish you can link it back to my site at, you don't have to , it is a gift . Be Well, John (Fats) Spizzirri SGT. FATS' LINKS

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