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Mon, 27 Sep 1999 11:19:15 -0500

From: Add to Address Book Add To Spam Block List


Re: Duplicate Reschedule Meeting from 10-1-99


"Gerald Biby" <>

Gerald, I am departing at 12:40 pm for a series of meetings in Memphis. I will

not return until Friday at 12:50 pm. Thus, I am not in a position to provide

you with the requested documents. The copies that I have in my files are largely

those you provided to me. I have asked Bruce Currin about the delay in hearing

date but have not yet received a response. Please work with Bruce and Alan

Moeller on this issue during my absence. This action is unrelated to any

grievance procedure. Don Helmuth is not involved in this administrative action

that is entirely within IANR.

Darrell W. Nelson, Dean and Director

Agricultural Research Division

University of Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0704

Telephone: 402-472-2045

Fax: 402-472-9071

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