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I'll start the "Cajer pages" part of this site by telling a little about him. He was born on May 7, 1993. So he's just had a birthday. It's hard to believe he's 6 years old! If you're wondering why this site is covered with "Cajer" everywhere--LOL!--he loves to see his name. When I'm on icq chatting with my brother, Cajer likes to hijack the keyboard and type "cajercajercajer" at his Uncle Wes.

He attends preschool three mornings a week. His speech therapist works with him twice a week (we're hoping that will increase once he starts kindergarten in the fall). We've been told we're lucky Cajer is verbal. He's actually VERY verbal! Talks up a storm when he feels like it. Lately his sentences are more complete, but there is still quite a bit of echolalia. Especially when he's tired (sometimes the only "answer" we can get to a question is the question right back at us).

He's fond of quoting from his favorite books and tv programs. He loves fans--something about mechanical things just fascinates him--and he'll inform you that something he absolutely loves is "fan-fan-fan-fan" (this really makes sense somehow, doesn't it?). Lately there are days when we have actual conversations! Brief conversations, yes, but this is a major accomplishment and gives us a great deal of hope for the future.

Attending daycare/preschool has been wonderful for Cajer. When he first started there he would rarely look a person in the eye. He never actually played with the other kids--but recently we had some friends over and Cajer walked up to Kris--carrying a toy truck--and said, "Do you want to play?"

He's come a long way in the past couple of years and I just have to say that I'm grateful we've been fortunate enough to find such a caring and supportive environment. Special thanks to Miss Shirley, Miss Shari--and Cajer's speech therapist, Sheryl--for everything you do!


Here's Cajer in his younger days.
He loves his crackers!

Here he is in one of his favorite places--
the great outdoors!
Click on thumbnails to view larger pics.

Cajer likes to watch "Little Bear" on Nickelodeon.
Sometimes he tells me he's going to the moon--
"Just look for me up in the sky," he says.

Here's one of his favorite audio clips
The file size is 300k, so it takes a bit to download.
Little Bear

Cajer enjoys doing graphics in my paint program. It's become one of his obsessions. He's discovered things about it I didn't even know it could do (such as put text into artwork). I think we've got a budding Picasso here. Just click on the thumbnails to see the "big pictures."
Cajer's Graphics

cajer's art cajer's art cajer's art

cajer's art cajer's art cajer's art


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Sincere gratitude to Free for the blue "Cajer" background and graphics she made especially for this section of the site.
FreeZGrafx link

Mucho thanks to my friend, Babe, for scanning the photos!

Can't forget my brother, Wes. Thanks for converting Cajer's artwork into .gif and thumbnails, leetle brother!

By Season & Cajer: 3/5/99 Updated: 5/9/99