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moon imageCajer's Toy Boxmoon image

toy box

If you're using an Internet Explorer browser just click on the "music" link to listen. If you're using Netscape you can download it (it's probably easiest to just save it to your desktop) and listen to it from there. I've found that with IE, if you're unable to listen to the music and watch the animated graphics simultaneously, it seems to work best to open up the music in a different window (right click on the music link, then select "open in new window"). From there, just minimize that new window. Maybe this seems like too much trouble, but watching tigger bounce around and listening to the music all at once is much FUNNER--lol.

jumping Tigger

This page is dedicated to Cajer's love of having fun!


Can't have a toy box without Cajer's all-time-favorite toys! Choo-choo trains are #1!

toy train

toy train
And what's a choo-choo train without sound effects?
train whistle
(the trains'll probably stop moving when you listen to the whistle--if they don't start up again, just hit your browser's "refresh" or "reload" button.) On Internet Explorer we open the whistle link in a new window and play it from there.

toy xylophone

Spring '99: Cajer just had his first happy ride on a motorcycle recently (as opposed to a short unhappy one a couple of years ago--he's always loved motorcycles, but until now he's been leery of the noise!). Just a brief little spin (or two or five) around the parking lot on Jimi's Harley-Davidson. Maybe we should've started him out on a Harley in the first place (that first ride was on a BMW). He loved it so much he had a huge grin on his face the entire time. He'd look at me each time they rode by (as I stood nervously watching) and his face was lit up with pure joy. Here's one of his favorite pictures--the famous Blue M&M biker!
(and hey, it's autographed! Cool, huh?)

blue m an' m on motorcycle

As I've mentioned before, fans are one of Cajer's great loves. I know they don't exactly qualify as toys (and no, we don't let him actually play with real fans!), but since he loves them--and since this is HIS toy box--here they are:



Thanks to Viki Mouse for the toy box, crayons and xylophone graphics.

Found the blue biker M & M graphic @ Babe's H-D graphics site.

By Season, Ariel, and Cajer
Created: 4/5/99 Updated: 3/20/02