Creative Problem Solving, Counseling, Education & Resources for Exceptional Individuals, Artists, Musicians & Healing/Helping/Rescuing Professionals
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Creative Problem Solving, Wholistic Healing, Psychospiritual Therapy,
Grief & Crisis Counseling, Education, Consulting, & Resources For:
  • EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUALS and Their Loved Ones, Healing/Helping Professionals, & Businesses.
    "One size does not fit all."
  • TRAUMA SURVIVORS and Their Loved Ones, Healing/Helping Professionals, & Businesses.
  • RESCUING/HELPING/HEALING PROFESSIONALS such as Counselors, Therapists, Clergy,
    Social Workers, Teachers, Physicians, Nurses, EMT's, Firefighters, Police Officers, etc.
  • Dr. Victoria A. Gardner

    B.A.Ed., M.S., R.Sc.P., Rs.D.

    “Turning victims into Victors, tragedy into TRIUMPH!"

  • INDIVIDUAL, GROUP & FAMILY THERAPY: Hypnotherapy; Hakomi Therapy; Psychodrama; Music, Art, & Play Therapy.
  • SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY: Healing Prayer, Logotherapy, Past Life Work, Soul Issues, Hospice.
  • HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY: Psychophysiological Disorders, Obesity/Eating Disorders, Stress/Pain Management, Psychoneuroimmunology, Ayurveda, Wholistic Health, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Flower Remedies, Nutritional Supplements, Herbs.
  • GRIEF/TRAUMA/ASSAULT/RAPE/ABUSE/NEGLECT: Crisis & Grief Counseling, Dysfunctional Family Issues.
  • The Special Needs of GIFTED/TALENTED/CREATIVE Children & Adults; CHILD PRODIGIES.
  • THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUALS including the Multiply-Diagnosed, Multiple Personality Disorder, Savant Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorders/Learning Disabilities, Indigo Children, etc.
  • The Psychology of Music, Art, Humor & Creativity.
  • CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING, 21st Century Philosophy, Practical Christianity, Religious Science.
  • CLASSES, SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS for schools, hospitals, organizations and businesses in all the above areas.
  • MEDIA PRODUCTION in all the above areas.
  • Plus Original Writings, Screenplays, Songs & Musical Arrangements.

    Don't try to handle those difficulties alone! Get help! Contact me!
    You can phone me at 970 407-1351 or 308 962-6768. Or send E-Mail to:

    Make Health Your Priority!
    Please order nutritional supplements from my distributers. They have high quality, reasonable cost products, and a small commission from each sale helps fund my pro bono work.

    Enhanced Healing Through Relaxation Music
    Relaxation music, positive affirmations and online counseling for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health, wellness and healing and improving self esteem.


    I hope these tidbits of wisdom fill and nourish your mind, heart, and soul.

    This web site is still evolving, just like its creator. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.