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Dr. Victoria Gardner Placker

B.A.Ed., M.S., R.Sc.P., Rs.D.


  • 1A."Understanding & Working With Exceptional Individuals" -- "How do you transplant a rose that's growing in a cornfield to a garden and enable it to thrive? Very carefully!" For families, teachers, physicians, therapists, and anyone else working with the Gifted/Handicapped or Multiply-Diagnosed, (the "Stephen Hawking/Helen Keller phenonenon").
  • 1B. "Understanding the Gifted, Talented, and Creative" -- for all*.

  • 2. "Career Counseling With the Gifted, Talented, and Creative" -- for adolescent gifted students and their parents, teachers, and counselors. Includes the importance of back up skills and avocations.
  • 2B. "Career Counseling With the Multi-Gifted: Focusing and Integration" -- for adolescent multi-gifted students and their parents, teachers, & counselors.

  • 3.A."Helping Gifted Kids Cope With Peer Pressure" -- for parents, teachers and gifted kids of all ages. Includes ways to help gifted kids learn the concepts, "I respect myself, I can think for myself, and there is no problem so great I cannot deal with it." Focuses on redefining the word "peer", finding appropriate peers and mentors, and reading the biographies of gifted people.
  • 3.B. "Helping Kids Cope With Peer Pressure" -- for parents, teachers, counselors, and kids of all ages. Includes ways to help kids learn the concepts, "I respect myself, I can think for myself, and there is no problem so great I cannot deal with it."

  • 4. "Understanding Feelings" -- for all*.

  • 5A. "Dealing with Anger" -- for all*
  • 5B. "Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks" -- for anyone with this problem.*
  • 5C. "Recognition of and Dealing with Depression" -- for all.*

  • 6A. "Getting Along" -- for children and adolescents who are rejected or put down by their peers. Includes assertiveness training and exercises designed to enable them to see others' points of view.
  • 6B. "Getting Along" -- for families who are having problems. Includes assertiveness training and exercises designed to enable them to see each others' points of view.
  • 6C. "Assertiveness Training" - for professionals & businesses.

  • 7. "Just Say No" -- for young women to help prevent pregnancy and disease. Includes assertiveness training.

  • 8. "Music, Art and Play Therapy for Children" -- for teachers, counselors, and parents.

  • 9. "Creative Problem Solving" -- for all*. Includes Brainstorming, "Scamper", and other divergent thinking techniques and methods.

  • 10. "Decision Making" -- for all*. Includes convergent thinking techniques plus inductive and deductive reasoning.

  • 11. "Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making" -- for all*. Includes Brainstorming, "Scamper", and other divergent thinking techniques and methods combined with convergent thinking techniques. Utilizes the analogy of using the accelerator and brakes when driving a car.

  • 12. "Becoming An Entrepreneur" -- Career Exploration for adolescents and adults. Utilizes "personal passions" and includes activities in decision making and organization.

  • 13. "It Wasn't Your Fault" -- therapeutic workshop for victims of sexual assault, sexual abuse and/or incest of all ages.

  • 14. "Trauma, Loss, Grief, and Healing" -- for all*. Includes the five stages of grieving discussed by Elizabeth Kubler Ross in "On Death and Dying" plus 4 more stages: shame, pain, forgiveness and transcendence.

  • 15.A. "Increasing Self Esteem" -- for all*. Includes the concepts of negative self talk vs positive self talk, self-fulfilling prophecies, irrational beliefs vs fact finding, and others' influence vs validating one's own reality.
  • 15.B. "Helping Children Develop Self Esteem" -- for parents, teachers, counselors and kids. Includes the above concepts plus techniques for enabling children to say, "I like myself, I can think for myself, and there is no problem so great I cannot deal with it." Includes the concept of turning frogs into princes/princesses.
  • 15.C. "Helping Gifted/Creative Kids Develop Self Esteem"-- Includes the above concepts, but tailored for the specific emotional needs of gifted/talented/creative youngsters.

  • 16A. "Coping With Stress" -- for all*. Includes understanding stress, Eustress and Distress, the quantative and qualitative aspects of stress, the physiological reactions to stress, and enabling each individual to find ways to handle stressors.
  • 16B. "Kidstress" -- for parents, teachers and counselors. Includes the above plus ways to help children cope with stress.

  • 17A. "Pop Music as a Teaching Tool" -- for teachers.
  • 17B. "Pop Music as a Therapeutic Tool" -- for therapists, counselors, psychologists, etc.
  • 18. "Psychology--The Mystery of You" -- for all ages*. Utilizes the principles of Psychology plus psychodrama, role playing, interactive games, art, music, and discussions to help people understand themselves and others.

  • 19A. "Preparing for the 21st Century -- Panic, Problems, Possibilities, Empowerment" -- for professionals and businesses.
  • 19B. "Preparing Kids for the 21st Century -- Panic, Problems, Possibilities, Empowerment" -- for parents, teachers, counselors, and kids of all ages.
  • 19C. "Preparing Gifted Kids for the 21st Century -- Panic, Problems, Possibilities, Potential, Empowerment" -- for parents, teachers, and kids of all ages.

  • 20A. "What Ye Sow, Ye Shall Reap" -- a rationale for services and programs for gifted youngsters.
  • 20B. "What Ye Sow, Ye Shall Reap" -- a rationale for services and programs for disadvantaged youngsters.
  • 20C. "What Ye Sow, Ye Shall Reap" -- a rationale for special services and programs for multiply-diagnosed youngsters.

  • 21. "The Agony and the Ecstasy; Understanding the Artistically and Creatively Gifted" -- for Artistic and Creative individuals and their families, friends, teachers, counselors, and physicians.

  • 22. "Avoiding Addictive Behaviors" - Goes beyond drug abuse prevention programs and looks at the inner dynamics of all addictions (including drugs, eating disorders, compulsive gambling & shopping, people addictions like Co-Dependency and religious cults, workaholism, exercise addiction, etc.). Teaches counselors, educators, parents and children how to develop healthy, "non-addictive" behaviors, attitudes, emotional responses and values.

  • 23A. "Understanding Sexual Abuse/Rape Survivors" - for these extraordinary individuals and their families, friends, teachers, etc.
  • 23B. "Working With Sexual Abuse/Rape Survivors" - indepth training for counselors, therapists, physicians, ministers, etc.

  • 24A. "Understanding Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociated Identity Disorder" - for these extraordinary individuals and their families, friends, teachers, etc.
  • 24B. "Working With Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociated Identity Disorder" - indepth training for counselors, therapists, physicians, etc.

  • 25A. "Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder" - for these extraordinary individuals and their families, friends, teachers, etc.
  • 25B. "Working With Borderline Personality Disorder" - indepth training for counselors, therapists, physicians, etc.

  • 26A. “Understanding the needs, feelings, & perceptions of exceptional individuals.” – for exceptional individuals and their families, friends, teachers, etc.
  • 26B. “Working With Exceptional Individuals and the Multiply Diagnosed” – in-depth training for therapists, physicians, ministers, etc.

  • 27. “Honoring Individual Differences” – for all. Includes studies of conation, Circadian rhythms, personality types, Ayurveda body types, etc.

  • 28. “Spirituality in Medicine, Health, and Illness" - Explores the spiritual aspects of physical health & medicine.

  • 29. “Physician, Heal Thyself”- presents details on Secondary Traumatization and ways professional helpers/ healers/rescuers/caregivers can take care of themselves while they go about the challenging task of caring for others.

    *Different activities are used for a children's group, an adolescent group, a parents' group, a professionals' group, a combined group or for different businesses or organizations. Every effort is made to tailor the presentation to the particular situation of the presentees. What would work best for your situation?


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