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Hello Jerichoholics!

I writing this from Orlando, where the whole city due to forest fires, is engulfed in a smoky haze. Not only that but it smells like smoke everywhere. I feel like I'm at the lake camping!! Very strange indeed.

I just returned from Winnipeg, Canada where I experienced my ten year high school reunion. It was a BLAST!!!!!! I can't believe how much fun it was. It was great seeing my old friends, who I see as much as I can, but it was even cooler seeing the people I was friends with who I haven't kept in contact with. You forget how many good people there are in the world and how many friends you really have!! With the advent of email, I plan to keep in much better contact though! Thanks to the whole Westwood Collegiate Class of 88 for making my entire high school experience a good one!!!

I also assembled my band for the tentative tour for next year. The boys are the nucleus of THC, an up and coming funk/metal/rap band that just cooks!! Check out their web site for further details.

It was good to see the Red Wings win the cup and provide the first dynasty in a while. Watching Vlad Konstantinov with the cup brought a tear to my eye. It makes you realize that have to enjoy every minute of your life while you can, cos you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow (or later today)!

While we were in New York, I hung out with Snake from the band formerly known as Skid Row. They got a new singer and are changing the name, but they're still going to be rocking. So good luck to em, as Skid was one of my faves, but that's life. I hope you guys enjoy the front page shot of me and Sebastian Bach from my famous duet in Red Deer!

The movie of the week is the cheap ass classic "Blood Sucking Freaks". This movie was the sickest, grossest, cheesiest flick that our club had ever seen, the epitome of what a bad movie is supposed to be. We'll be hard pressed to find another like it, but rest assured you know we'll try!

I really enjoyed the match I had with Ultimo Dragon on Thunder last night, I felt is was the best I've had in a while. It felt good to work Japanese style again and it made me realize how much I miss Japan!!!

Make sure to check out Dr. Luther's web site as well. Just click onto my links page for access. Luther is one disturbed individual and his site is no different!

Thanks to everyone for all of the gifts including Masa for the Burrn mag, and I Vampire for the Cds, among others. Keep em coming!!

That's all until next week, so God bless you and be good to one another!