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Match Results

Kanyon d. Horace (w/ Lodi)
Add these to Kanyon's new move checklist: fisherman's neckbreaker, Torture Rack into a hangman's neckbreaker, and a fireman's carry into a pancake drop. After being distracted by Lodi, the former Mortis absorbed damage from big Horace, including a stop sign shot and a superplex. But it only took the wrestling innovator one Flatliner (legsweep DDT) to finish the tough Flocker. Post-match, Kanyon battled Raven's charges and finally became overwhelmed. Raven came to ring, mocked Kanyon and delivered a DDT to the scientific specialist.

Little Dragon d. Eddie Guerrero
During the entire match, Eddie continued to look over his shoulder, fearing the appearance of his nephew. But the distraction didn't help Little Dragon -- a charge of Ultimo Dragon. Eddie dominated the cruiserweight and set up for his devastating Frogsplash with a brainbuster. Enter crazy Chavo. Riding a hobby horse, Chavo Guerrero, Jr., distracted his Uncle and allowed Little Dragon to steal a roll-up victory. Post-match, Eddie beat Little Dragon savagely with the hobby horse and chased Chavo back to the dressing room.

The Giant (w/ Hennig and Rude) d. Sumo Fuji and Judo Suwa
Two more students of Ultimo Dragon's Mexican dojo, Fuji and Suwa fair much poorer than their classmate, Little Dragon. The Giant, desperately craving a cigarette, made quick work of the Japanese tag team with a double chokeslam. Post-match, Hennig his and Giant's Bash at the Beach competition, Kevin Greene and Goldberg, until the two men ran to the ring. Greene faired well as Goldberg scared the NWOers back to the dressing room.

Lex Luger and Sting d. Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart
WCW World Tag Team Title Match
Luger and Sting, tag team partners and champions in the pre-NWO era, performed well as a unit against their equally experienced opponents.. After being worked over by Bulldog and The Anvil, Luger managed to tag in Sting, who countered Smith's running powerslam into the Scorpion Death Drop for the pin.

Saturn d. Reese (w/ Lodi)
Tonight's lesson: big men fall very, very hard. Reese used his size advantage against his former Flock partner, tossing around Saturn with a kneeling guerrilla press. But Saturn rebounded with kicks to both Reese and Lodi. After weakening the garboon, Saturn delivered the Death Valley Driver -- an astounding feet of strength-- on his much larger opponent. Post-match, Raven's Flock attacked again. Like Kanyon, Saturn found himself on the business end of an evenflow DDT.

El Vampiro d. Brad Armstrong
An impressive debut for the WCW newcomer, El Vampiro showed incredible seasoning, agility, and ring savvy. Armstrong was aggressive, but failed to dissect the wrestler's unorthodox style. El Vampiro ended the match with an impressive powerslam piledriver

Disco and A. Wright d. Tokyo Magnum d. Shima Numabaga
They may come from different dance eras, but when it comes to tag wrestling, Disco and Wright played similar tunes. Starting immediately on Magnum, the dance duo looked very solid as they dissected Ultimo Dragon's young students with ease. Post-match, Wright and Disco argued about whose theme song should be played in victory.

Ultimo Dragon d. Dean Malenko Earlier in the program, Jericho tried to convince Ultimo to defeat Malenko by promising the Japanese Star a title shot. Dragon tried his best to beat the Iceman and -- in the process -- helped deliver the best match of the program. Malenko eventually tied in the Texas Clover Leaf, but Jericho started taunting the second generation wrestler. When Jericho mentioned Malenko's father, The Man of a 1000 Holds chased the Cruiserweight Champ backstage. Malenko was counted out.

Chris Benoit and Steve McMichael d. Harlem Heat
Pre-match, Stevie Ray challenged Benoit to a brawl, but Booker T decided a legal tag bout would do more to solve their problems. Stevie Ray and Mongo looked particularly tough and Booker and Benoit once again had some classic match moments. The bout eventually broke down into a 4-man melee with Booker T and the former Chicago Bear still in the ring. But Bret Hart once again came to the aid of fellow Canadian Chris Benoit, running ringside and whacking Booker T with a chair. Mongo covered for the pin. Post-match, Booker T-- disgusted at this, the second time Bret Hart has interfered against him-- challenged The Hitman to a match at Bash at the Beach. Hart gleefully accepted.

Goldberg d. Glacier
WCW US Heavyweight Title Match
Like Goldberg, Glacier had once been the undefeated phenom of WCW. Trying to regain his place as a top player, the martial artist tried to dissect the US Champ with a variety of kicks and chops to the chest and head. Goldberg barely budged. After a monstrous power slam, Goldberg connected with the Head Spear and subsequent Jackhammer. The pin and win followed.

After this match the 18-wheeler showed up. DDP and Malone entered the ring while Hogan was bad-mouthing them. DDP and Malone threw down the chairs they had, and Malone wouldn't let Hogan leave the ring. Malone then Scoop slamed Hogan, fallowed by 2 clothes lines.

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