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Credit : Joe DeLeon

WCW Thunder Report for June 24, 1998 Hosted by Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan, and Lee Marshall Live from Orlando, Florida

• Giant Interview - (With Vincent) -The Giant lit up a cigarette and smoked it throughout the interview. He said that Sting stole the Tag Team Titles, and he would be getting them back. He went ahead and challenged Sting and who ever else to a tag team match, with the Tag Team Titles on-the-line.

• Public Enemy defeated Raven and Sick Boy (w/Lodi) with the Drive-By. -Raven first taunted Kanyon, and announced the match would be set as "Raven's Rules." The match between the two teams turned out to be a pure brawl. At one point, Saturn appeared, knocked Raven out with a metal object, and placed him onto a table. Saturn then jumped off the top-rope, and drove Raven through the table. With Raven on the outside the ring, it enabled Public Enemy to finish off Sick Boy with the Drive-By.

• Hugh Morrus (w/Jimmy Hart) defeated Eddie Guerrero with the No Laughing Matter. -As Eddie Guerrero went for the Frog Splash, Jimmy Hart went after him with a chair. Chavo Guerrero, Jr. came down and punched out Hart. Eddie then went for the Frog Splash, but was caught with a powerslam by Hugh Morrus. Morrus then executed his No Laughing Matter (moonsault) maneuver for the win. Chavo continued to bother Eddie.

• Wolfpac Interview (Sting and Konnan) -Konnan first hyped up the crowd. Sting accepted The Giant's challenge, and said that Lex Luger would be his partner.

• Chris Benoit and Arn Anderson were backstage, and both asked Mike Tenay to leave. A camera was still rolling, however. Benoit wanted Anderson to help him reform the Four Horsemen, but Anderson said his wrestling days were over. Anderson then told the cameraman to leave.

• Stevie Ray defeated Sumo Fugi with the Slapjack. -Ray dominated Sumo Fugi and finished him off with the Slapjack (a Pedigree).

• Chris Jericho defeated Ultimo Dragon by Disqualification, to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Title. -Before the match, Chris Jericho bragged about being the Cruiserweight Champion, and said he would never defend the belt against Dean Malenko. J.J. Dillion appeared. Dillion told Jericho he would have to meet Dean Malenko at Bash at the Beach, with the Cruiserweight Title on-the-line. Jericho then went through a tough match with Ultimo Dragon. Jericho criticized Dean Malenko's father, causing Malenko to come down to the ring, while Dragon had Jericho in the Dragon Sleeper. Malenko attacked Jericho, giving Jericho the win by Disqualification.

• Eric Bischoff Interview. -Eric Bischoff introduced Scott Steiner, and the two sat in production chairs. Footage was shown of the former Steiner Brothers wrestling Public Enemy. Both Bischoff and Scott criticized Rick Steiner for not participating in the match. Scott Steiner continued to taunt his brother, saying how much better of a life than he has.

• The commentators patched in a call from Diamond Dallas Page. DDP announced that he and Karl Malone would be on this Monday's Nitro. He told Hollywood Hogan to bring Dennis Rodman.

• Jim Duggan defeated Barbarian with the Old Glory. -Barbarian attempted to go for Duggan's 2 x 4, but was nailed with a running lariat. Duggan took advantage, and finished off Barbarian with Old Glory (knee drop).

• Backstage, Chris Jericho was trying to pursuade Ultimo Dragon to talk to the WCW Executive Committee, so Dragon could receive a Cruiserweight Title shot at Bash at the Beach. Dean Malenko then appeared, and ran after Jericho.

• Steve McMichael and Chris Benoit defeated Disco Inferno and Alex Wright with Benoit's Crippler Crossface. -Both teams had their equal amount advantages. It changed, however, once McMichael entered the ring and dominated. Chris Benoit then finished off Disco Inferno by making him submit to the Crippler Crossface.

• Sting and Lex Luger defeated The Giant and Brian Adams (w/Vincent) with Luger's Torture Rack to retain the WCW Tag Team Titles. -Sting and Lex Luger used teamwork to dominate their opponents. Luger strapped Brian Adams in the Torture Rack. Adams immediately submitted to let Luger and Sting retain the Tag Team Titles. Curt Hennig and Rick Rude and came down, followed by Konnan. The show went off the air when NWO-Hollywood and The Wolfpac began to brawl.