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The MGM Grand's EFX Show


"Excalibur will be mine! And I'll destroy you Merlin! I will not be denied!"


Tina Walsh

Morgana (Tina Walsh) is the evil sorceress in the King Arthur act. She wants the sword Excalibur for her own, and she will stop at nothing to achieve her aim.

She also plays Bess in the Harry Houdini act. Join Bess and her husband Harry as they travel back in time to relive their last day together. Tina is very good at playing the separate parts, and it is almost impossible to tell that it is the same person, unless you look in the program. It's amazing how one moment she is a wicked, seductive sorceress, and the next she is a sweet, innocent woman. It's always a new experience to go back and see her play these two roles. She has a great talent to be able to handle both of them so well.

Morgana, 12/99

Morgana, 12/99

Tina Walsh
© Showbiz Magazine



This site belongs to Leslie Stewart

Unless noted otherwise, all pictures are © Peggy L. Stewart.
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