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Kindness in Action

I have been putting off writing this page,Elaine knows how hard it is for me to express my feelings.Because I know this will mean alot to Elaine,I am writing this now. I came up with this idea to create a seperate page for Elaine,as I really felt her story could help others,either in a simular situation,or with a friend or relative that is also dying.I know most people don't want to read or hear about death.I don't like the fact that Elaine is dying-it hurts,but I can accept it.Its reality.I am also a strong believer in atleast some "Quality of Life".I have heard Elaine suffer and suffer.She lives on Morphine presently,and that depresses her,shes not very comfortable or getting much peace. I have heard Elaine go through these phases,but in the past,I could always tell her to get off her butt,and keep her alittle busy with her awards,or Kindness in Action webring,not anymore.Elaine is just so sad.Thats why I feel,she's getting ready to let go,she also told me that it would be soon.I have read about people with a terminal illness,hanging on,not letting themselves die,until they did what they needed to do,I really believe Elaine has hung on so long for her son,and I can really understand that,he has brought her so much happiness.He will be going to college in August- to become a doctor -Elaine -congradulations-you have been a good mom. All I can give Elaine now is the hours I spend on this page,adding new backgrounds,graphics,an entrance page,ect. As logical as I sound here now,I can't say how hard it will be when Elaine does decide to let go.I know she won't be in pain anymore,that will be a relief,but missing her is totally different.This page will continue on,even after Elaine is gone.

Lissa's Cursors