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Hello My name is Elaine I am a single parent with several life threatening illnesses. I've been diagnosed with heart disease, caused by Rheumatic fever, Diabetes, Chronic Meylogenous Leukemia, Crohn's disease and now Congestive Heart Failure. My son is now 17 but it has been a very long road, I hope that in telling my story I maybe able to help other parents in similar circumstances to be able to cope, and to help their children understand what is happening to us. On the following pages I will tell my story and what my son and I have been through. Maybe some of you will see yourself in our story. I've had a lot of help along the way, I don't think I would have survived this long......I just had my 41st birthday a few months ago......without my friends and the people I have come in contact with on this journey. I've meet a lot of them in the hospital, doctors waiting rooms, etc., I know what a way to make friends but we are closer than some of my healthy friends as we have a bond, one that I wish none of us had to have, but all the same they are all wonderful!!!! I hope these pages help all who venture here. My story starts with my birth..good a place as any to start I guess.......I was born with a heart defect that the doctors told my parents shouldn't cause any real problems as long as we kept a close eye on things. They were right for the most part. Than at the age of nine I came down with Rheumatic is amazing how something as simple as a sore throat could cause so much damage. I was sick for quite awhile and the doctors warned my parents not to expect me to ever be healthy again. They also told them that they didn't think I would make it to my tenth birthday.......let me say this I just passed my 41st.

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American Blood Organization

***Update:Elaine's son graduated highschool with a full scholarship to Medical school - June16/2000!!

My Story
Dealing With Death
Gratitude Page
Elaine's Humanity Award
Award Winners
Awards Recieved
Awards Recieved- page2
Awards Recieved- page3
Elaine's Gifts Page


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Please note the majority of graphics provided by Angel9oh7,unless otherwise noted on pages.A very special thank-you to Angel9oh7,who has been so kind creating special graphics for this page!!!!

Angel9oh7 Graphics

*Guestbook background provided by:

Nikki's  Graphics

Lissa's Cursors