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*Special thanks to Barbara's Roost,for globe #1,and to Suzie's World of Snowglobes,for globe #2,and #3,unfortunatley my computer crashed awhile ago, and I lost Barbara's page link, the link and credit for background, I will try to find them again.

1)no adult sites,or sites promoting hatred,abuse,ect.
2)These awards are for sites that provide support,information,reaching out to others,an effort to help those in need.Pages that are strickly about one religion and try to convert others are not what we are looking for.I like pages that help and welcome everyone.Its about people helping people.I am looking for pages that deal with illness,abuse,disabilities,ect.
3)Easy to navigate
5)*New requirement-Give Credit where it is due,(when possible)provide links to graphics used!!
6)CONTENT is very important.
7)You must link award back to this page,and your site will be added to winners list.
8)Please don't submit sites on movie stars, models, ect. We are only looking for pages that reach out to help others in some way.

**Please sign Elaine's Guestbook and fill out info,if you choose not to leave e-mail, please make sure you have a correct e-mail listed on your site, easy to find, so that we can send you award, if your site qualifies.***Please state award you want by number :).




Suzie's World of Snowglobes