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Why i prefer basketball to other sports such as soccer or hockey .

Being a huge NBA basketball fan , there are better countries in this world i would prefer to be in than this soccer/hockey/ badminton-crazed Malaysia . Don't get me wrong , i am (almost) PROUD to be a Malaysian , except that it isn't exactly a basketball fan's idea of heaven . Below is a couple of reasons why i prefer basketball and the NBA league to any other sports

Its not a low scoring sport . Unlike soccer or hockey , basketball is a high scoring game . Points and stats pouring in every second of that 48 minutes (without timeout) of excitement . With soccer , the most goals you could get is about 4-5 and that could only be attained if the best team of the league playing against the weakest . Same goes to (field) hockey .

It has more than one or two highlights . In basketball , you don't exactly have to score 30 points (refer dictionary to "Jordan , Michael") or shoot 3 pointers from the halfcourt line to get redcognition . There's more than one way to help out your team , like dishing out assists (John Stockton , Mark Jackson) , pulling down rebounds (Charles Oakley , Dennis Rodman) , blocking shots (Hakeem Olajuwon , Dikembe Mutombo) , stealing off dribbles (Gary Payton , Mookie Blaylock) , making freethrows (Reggie Miller , Steve Kerr) and even going for a cheap flagrant foul (Shaquille O'Neil , Karl Malone) . Besides the usual one-goal-a-game , what else can you expect from a soccer game ?

Even lousy teams stand a chance against the big teams . True basketball fans know , that even the lousiest teams could go against a championship-caliber team . Crappy teams such as Toronto Raptors , has proven this when the (C)Raptors beat the Chicago Bulls in their 72-10 season . The fact that it was a last second win makes it even more sweeter .

Poetry in motion . In basketball , there's countless moves you can do to score . Crossover , spin move , drive , posting up . And even passes has revolutionalized throughout the years . There's the behind the back , over the shoulders , bounce pass , alley oop , fullcourt pass , and even the rim's backboard is used to dish out assists . And then there's the dunks , layups and fadeaways . And dunks are no longer just slamming the ball into the hoop . There's the reverse slam , freethrow line dunk , the tomahawk jam , windmills , etc , etc ........

Its got great rivalries . The best wins are never the biggest ones , but the ones against a much hated team . If you're a Lakers fan , it is compulsory to HATE the Utah Jazz . Other notable team rivalries that are going on at the moment are the Knicks-Heat rivalry and the Bulls-Pacers rivalry (a relatively small rivalry) . Player rivalries include Karl Malone-Shaquille O'Neil , Scottie Pippen-Bulls management , Latrell Sprewell-Warriors coach PJ Carleisimo , and Dennis Rodman-league officials and refs (and even photograpers . Think male groin and rodzilla's foot) .

by Fakhri b. Ahmad

The BIG THREE , Hak , Sir Charles and the Glyde .

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