"The stars of Suzaku's seven seishi are moving in an unlucky pattern."
- name: Ou Doukun
- birthplace: Western Kounan, Jouzen-shi
- family: Aged mother, older brother
- age: 13
- birthday: March 19
- sign: Pisces
- height: 4'10"
- bloodtype: A
- character: cho (stretch)
- location: left foot
- abilities: extreme intelligence and intuition
- history: Not much is known about Chiriko. Before he went to save the Suzaku seishi from Amiboshi, Chiriko had been taking the exams to become a government official. He had already passed the first exam with the highest mark of all who wrote it and was preparing to write the second when seishi business interrupted.
- seiyuu: Kawakami Tomoko
"Knowledgeable Child"
Even though Chiriko is abnormally intelligent, he is still only a child with a child's fears and weaknesses. This needs to be born in mind when we start to think he's weak and useless. Although Chiriko is not as physically strong as the other seishi because his body is still growing, he is very brave for one so young and willing to sacrifice his life for his miko and his friends.