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The Frightful Facts on Halloween

My children do not go trick-or-treating. I encounter a lot of curiousity, questions and persecution about this.

I started collecting links to sites that explain why some of us believe halloween is not something a follower of Jesus should participate in. I am not alone when I say that I do not believe it is a fun, innocent holiday.

I decided to put these links on one page, so that when family and friends are interested in learning why I feel this way, I can show them this page.

If you have curious friends and families members too, or if you are curious yourself, and are looking for the truth about this holiday, I pray this page helps you.

I also wanted this page for my children, so that when other people disregard my beliefs, and try to persuade my children that trick-or-treating is Ok, my children will be able to look back at these pages and remember why it is not Ok, that is, not if one wants to follow the teachings of Jesus.

"Test everything. Hold on to what is good.
Avoid every kind of evil"
(1 Thessalonians 5:21,22)

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
(Ephesians 5: 11)

I recommend the following book.
308461: The Pumpkin Patch Parable, 10th Anniversary Edition: The  Parable Series #1 The Pumpkin Patch Parable, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Parable Series #1
By Liz Curtis Higgs

This charming story for children illustrates how a loving farmer can turn a simple pumpkin into a simply glorious sight. Liz Curtis Higgs weaves a beautiful parable as the farmer picks out a special pumpkin from his garden, and scoops out all the messy "goo" to make room for his light to shine from inside. In the same way, God's transforming love can fill each of our hearts with joy and light. Liz Cutis Higgs originally created this parable as a way to share the Good News with her own precious children each harvest season. After 10 years, she has touched children everywhere! Recommended for ages 3 to 7.

Each of these links takes you away from my page, so be sure to
bookmark this page now. There are many things to see and do here.

Halloween and the Forces of Darkness
The Last Trumpet Ministries International does a great job of explaining the origins of this day, and showing that clearly, halloween is not harmless fun.

Halloween: Is there any good reason for Christians to celebrate it? explains the association between halloween and Allhallows Eve, with plenty of Bible verses to help understand what God's word says about it.

A Halloween Book

This "book" is not for children. It is written to parents to warn them about the occult. This is long, but definitely worth the time to read.

halloween- Are we in the dark or the light?
A straight forward assessment about what the words "trick or treat" really mean.

Halloween- from a Christian Perspective

Are we encouraging our children to pay respect to the devil on October 31 without knowing it? Read this and then decide.

Halloween: Harmless Fun or Pagan Rituals?

The Watchman Expositor's page on halloween. The connection to new age religions is evident.

Annie's "Halloween Welcome" Page
This is one of my favorite sites. Annie's gentle teaching about the Christian perspective on halloween is beautiful. This is a big site, so be sure and explore a little.

Will you Fall for Halloween?
I love Autumn, and this page shows that this is a season for celebrating God.

Dark, spooky and right to the point! It's worth the time to read this interesting page!

Halloween: A Christian perpective at Peggie's Place
This site has an enormous collection of articles about halloween.

Halloween, its origins and customs
The Jeremiah Project's informative article about halloween.

If you are ready to put together gift bags, with an appropriate tract, for the children who
come to your door halloween night, below is a great place to order the tracts. This is
where I get my own tracts. Don't forget to put the candy in the gift bag.
Make it the best candy those kids get that night!

Christian Tracts


Web Specials

Remember the words I spoke to you: If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.
If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way
because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.
(John 15:20, 21)

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If you feel confused, and are wondering if God really loves you, please
visit the webpage below. People there would love to pray for you.


Jesus says "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the
door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me (Revelation 3:20)

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