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Hawaii 5-0 Chronicles


The day started out pretty...well not quiet. We were so excited and hyper about our upcoming Hawaiian adventure that we couldn't sleep, so instead, we made some pancakes. And these just weren't ANY pancakes...they were letter pancakes that spelled out SeXXXy Steve Fatone Fan Club. Lol...not to mention our little 'Got Steve?' picture that we took. Yes we are dorks, but what can we say...we love the Stever, cuz he's such a rat. After falling asleep for a little bit we headed to the airport at aboutt 6:00 AM and then took off for Hawaii, only slightly (ok so a lot) pissed off cuz N Sync was NOT on our flight. UGH. Stupid morons.

Our long ass flight finally ended and we made it safely to the car rental place and to the Hawaiian Hilton Village where we would be staying (not to mention the boyz were staying there too). After eating at Roundtable Pizza, we decided to head to the beach and have some fun. So we did a little Britney 'Sometimes' dancing on the beach, hugged a few palm trees, and found Stever's boat that he sailed to Hawaii in. Fun stuff, I'm tellin ya. One thing I must mention is that there was a tiny little leak in ole Stevie's boat cuz when I sat in it, there was quite a bit of water. I just hope that he didn't ruin his camera when all that water surged

So when we finally decided we had sufficiently scared the locals, we headed up to the room to change for some clubbin action. After getting all hoochified for some Fat-one eye catching, we went downstairs to get our photo by the Ali'i Tower where they were staying. As we make our way to the Tower, we see some random guy and Brit runs up to him to ask if he will take our pic. But before she could get to him all these girls crowd around him and start asking him for his autograph. then Brit goes up and is all..."WHO are you?" and he didn't say anything in return. So putting her hands on her hips she's all, "I don't know you". Then he looks up at her and says, "Yes you do". She tries to guess all these cities that he might have seen her in and he's all "Vegas". The look on her face was priceless, and she answers back, "Were you in the club with Joey?" He nodded (turns out it was of the N Sync entourage.) and she asks him how he is doing, blah blah blah. Then she just straight up asks, "Will you take OUR picture?" (He looked at her funny cuz I think he thought she was gonna ask to get her picture with him...) So he took our picture, and the teenies are giving us all the death stare as she gets her camera back and says, "Tell Joey Brit says hi...he'll know who I am." Lol. Too funny.

Anyhow so we head out clubbing and basically Brit's ID wouldn't we couldn't go anywhere. Sucks I know, but that's ok, we now are sorta glad we couldn't go clubbing cuz when we got back we saw Reuben in the lobby. We walked past and were like 'OMG there's Reuben. So they ARE here already. Let's ask him for a picture'. We go back and ask him, and he happily obliges, caressing my back by the way which made me go 'ew' but I held it in. After we were done, we thanked him and started walking away, but Brit and Val decided that they wanted to ask him to join us for a drink. those two ran back and were all, "Would you like to join us all for a drink or something?" And the funniest part is that he was all excited and said 'Yeah!'. HAHAHA. So we ended up chilling with Reuben for awhile until he ran into some friends of his and ran off to watch a movie with them and his sinus congestion (which he told us ALL about). He's SUCH a conversationalist by the way. LOL. (Jk...he's really quiet, but super nice.) But before he left he gave us his room number and told us to stop by sometime. Yehaw, Reuben's room. Lol.

Sometime after Reuben left, we got a call from Ashley and Courtnie...our Utah girls. They had just arrived in and were gonna come on over. After they got there, and we were all just still chillin in the Tapa Bar, these two guys came up and sat down. They introduced themselves as Fred and Larry, and said they were 18 and 17 respectively. We were like 'okay whatever'...and they sat down. The first thing I must say is that Fred talks...a lot. Too much one might say. Larry never talks, and he dresses very Ricky Martin-ish...not to mention he's about the size of my pinky finger. So anyhow the first thing FRED says is "Did you guys know Britney Spears is here? And N Sync?" We're all..."NO WAY. Yes you dumbshit, why do you think WE are here? Lol." So then Big Mouth goes on to tell us that one of the guys from N Sync is staying on his floor in the Ali'i tower. Brit is all, "Which one?" As soon as Fred says "Well he has red hair", she bursts out with "Joey!". He's like "Yeah I think that's his name...he's staying in 903. I just saw him this morning and he said 'what's up man'." So we continued chatting with those two morons for awhile trying to see if they had anymore info, but sadly they had none.

Finally the night came to a close when we headed back up to our room and all fell asleep for the night...
