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Hawaii 5-0 Chronicles


Aight...moving right along. We woke up the next day at about 9:30 or so and I called my sister to let her know the previous night's events. After doing so, we got ready for the day and had to pack up ALL our stuff cuz we had decided to stay for another night, but we had to check out and then RE-check in. Sucks, I know, but if we didn't do that, then all of this cool stuff wouldn't have happened. (Which I will be telling you about in just one

After we got rechecked in and all that good stuff, we were hauling all our shit BACK to the Tapa Tower when one of the bodyguards was walking by and I guess he turned and gave us all a weird look. I don't really know, cuz I missed it. I was too busy staring inside the store Making Waves, trying to see if the guy with the tan bucket hat and nasty sideburns was Justin or not. Brit was getting frustrated with me cuz she was trying to tell me the bodyguard staring at us story, and she kept telling me 'NO! You're looking the wrong way.' I just nodded and kept staring in the store. Finally I just stopped as my brain finally clarified things for me. I was all, "You guys know how Justin has that tan bucket hat? Well he's in that store wearing it. He's with his bodyguard and those teenies are staring at him. It HAS to be him." So we turn around right as he's coming out of the store and we all are like 'OMG it IS Justin'. So we chill for a bit and Justin comes out of the store and we say 'Hey Justin', all while Dre and Scragglypoof with his nasty afro and barcode on his neck stand by. We ask if we can get a picture, and he says 'sure' I jump beside him and we snap one. Aww how cute is that? He's a doll up close just so you know, and was very polite. After we took the picture we were like, "Thanks, and we're really sorry we bothered you"...he waved and was like, "No, it's no problem." Whatta sweetie. Lol. So that's my story about meeting JRT and Scragglypoof.

Then we headed back upstairs and Brit and Val went back down and captured a little more JRT action for themselves...not to mention some more Scraggles as Val ran into him in the ABC store. Can I get a EEEEEEWWWWW?? Lol. She better disinfect those hands after touching that trailer park trash.

We decided that we wanted to head to the beach and stuff, so we go down and get us some towels and all that good stuff, running into Justin and Scraggly along with Lonnie as they head out to the beach. Some random girl was with them too, I think it might have been Jenny from Innosense or whatever her name is. Either way, Lonnie was TOTALLY dressed for beachcombing in his white tshirt, navy sweatpants, and his aquasocks. was a hilarious sight.

So Kat, Maggie, and I decide to lay out while Val and Brit scope out the N Sync scene. We got about 2 hours worth of sun, maybe more...and they got to meet Joe Sr. and Tyler, as well as a little video of Lance on the beach. (Not topless THANK GOD.) I guess when Brit got her pic with Joe Sr. she asked if she could get one and he goes, "Sure, as long as you don't make it into a DAWTBAWD" (in his accent...dartboard in regular english.) One other funny thing is that she mentioned about how she loved Stever or something and he was like, "Why? Joey's more POPULAR". How rude is that? Not to mention the fact that (as Brit said later) 'Yeah he pry has more STD's too. More isn't ALWAYS better FAT-one.' Lol. I guess when Val got her picture with him, Brit told them both to say 'STEVE!' instead of 'cheese' and Joe Sr. said "Steve" with about as little enthusiasm as he could. Bastard. Lol.

Shortly after our little beach excursion, Kat, Maggie, and myself headed to Making Waves to look at beachwear, and got in a conversation with the women that were working. They said that Justin had stopped in earlier, as had Britney...and then pointed out to us that the guy in the gray tshirt standing up by the valet thing was Steve. So we make our way slowly up so we can see him, but he was really busy talking to some people so we didn't want to interrupt. The best thing though was when he whips out his cell phone and was all "Joe" in his accent...and then I turn and Joe whips around the corner -on his phone-, entourage in tow. Classic comedy I tell you...maybe only because we had been joking for the past couple days how they tend to talk on their phones when they are only like 2 feet apart. (Later we came to the conclusion that Joey just is always on his phone in public because people are less likely to bother him if he's talking on it.) We got a good laugh about that and then met back up with Val and Brit who were just heading back down after hearing the teenies screaming from our balcony.

Finally, we went to Hard Rock Cafe and ate, also ordering a 'funnel cake gramma' and bringing one back for Brit who didn't go with us. Later that night, we met up with Ashley and Courtnie, who had just seen Innosense, Lynn, and Lance down at the Tropical Cafe or something. I took a nap and the other girls headed down to chill, and later recieved a call from Reuben. That night they ended up going over to his room in the Rainbow tower and hanging out with him...I wasn't there, but I guess he was really cool. So yeah, we wanna, we wanna rock with Reuben. Lol.
