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Hawaii 5-0 Chronicles


Aight, today some of the girls got up for breakfast with Stever, since he tends to eat his morning meal at the Tropics. Not only did they see Stever, but Danielle was there eating with Lance. Awww how sweet is that *gag*. But don't worry Lancey fans, she's not with him...more bout that later.

While those girls were at breakfast, Kat, Maggie, and I went to Huanama (0r however you spell it) Bay. The water is really really pretty there and it's super clear...the reefs are really good for snorkeling. Anyhow after we went there for awhile, we stopped for lunch before heading to Local Motion (yes the Real World one) and back to the hotel.

After we arrived back at the hotel, we chilled and watched Rosie O'Donnell since they were re-running the N Sync one. Then we all started getting ready for the concert that night (the first of three), before heading down guessed it...Tropics for dinner.

The concert was pretty much the same...if anyone went to Vegas, it was exactly like that except they said ALOHA HAWAII instead of HELLO VEGAS. Lol. Get my point? Same old show. So after the concert, we headed back to the hotel...I was had been a long day for I headed to bed for a little nap. (That turned into a full night's sleep. I told you guys I can't just nap for an hour or two...I sleep all dang night. I can't help myself.)

While I was upstairs sleeping, Ashley and the other girls had bought a ukulele and as a joke, they wrote "Tips welcome...(the S was backwards on the Tips) We take requests...SSFC." LOL. So Asswipe (Azzweepe or however you would SAY's spelled Asswipe) --ya know, the guy from the beginning of the Mission Impossible opening-- walked on by and gave them a dollar for singing 'Back Dat Ass Up'. Then Reuben came by and tuned it up for got a pic of Reuben strumming the ukulele. I'm not really sure bout the order of these events, because I wasn't there, so bear with me. Later on, Stever, Topanga and Tyler all walked by. I guess Stever said something like, "I gotta request. Show me your tits." So Topanga was all, "Since I know you guys have enough self respect NOT to do that for him, I'm going to tip you."...and then gave the girls 4 dollars. Lol. WHOA big spender there Danielle. Steve belched and then threw a WHOLE 85 cents into the box. Wowee...guess Johnny and N Sync haven't been paying him much these days. So yes, Stever came to yet another SeXXXy Steve Fatone meeting. How nice of him.
