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Hawaii 5-0 Chronicles


The last day of the 20th century was a very eventful one. While some of you were basking in the glow of a warm fire or the glare of the white snow, we all were on the beach getting tan! HA HA HA HA HA. Ok I'm done bragging now. Lol. Anyhow after laying out for awhile, we headed upstairs to get ready to party like it's 19--hold up it is! (Sorry, I have that song in my head). In any case, we watched Paris, Rome, and all those fun places hit New Years. Then Kat, Maggie, and I went to the Outback while Brit and Val got ready and the other girls headed back to their hotel to get dressed and stuff. After arriving back, we watched Times Square on TV to see if anything blew up at 12:00 or anything. Lol...needless to say Y2K was a whole big deal for nothing.

We finished watching that on TV and then ran downstairs to meet up with the rest of the girls, this time bringing Shannon (our Hawaii connection) with us. Anyhow we got to the concert, and the girls gave Stever his Happy New Year's present. It was a gaudy ukulele magnet that played a song when you clicked it, and a ukulele keychain. He loved it, you could just tell. Lol. The concert was fun, not worth the extra 35 dollars or whatever that we paid to see them on New Years, but I guess when you travel all the way to Hawaii then in the long run that 35 dollars doesn't really matter much.

After the show we headed back to the hotel and ran up to our room for some people to get their alcoholic beverages. Then we went down and parked our asses at our regular table at the Tropics. There were tons of people on the beach and all that, and I went out there to watch the fireworks. First off I must say that there are some WEIRDOS out on New Year's. This scary old guy is like, "you want some champagne?" I was like 'no thanks I don't drink'. AGh but he didn't take no for an answer and asked me AGAIN. Finally I just moved down the beach, right near some psycho drunk people with fireworks of their own. Not a good combo. So I about got my hair lit on fire...not really...but you get my point. Lol.

Anyways, after the fireworks ended I headed back to the Tropics where mah girls were chillin. We all just sat around and were talking and stuff, busting out the uke and singing. Good times. Then I head to the bathroom with some of the girls, and when I get back you will NEVER guess who was standing there chillin. STEVER!! Hahahaha. So I plop down and he busts the presents we gave him out of his camera bag. We all got our picture with him and Brit gave him her lei.

Oh by the way I forgot my quick story bout Deaf Guy. Brit saw this guy in this crunk silver hat, and everytime he walked by to go to the bar she asked him where he got his hat. Each time, he ignored her completely. And she was SHOUTING people...Brit's loud like that (In a good way). So finally she went up to Deaf Guy and got in his face and was all, "WHERE did you get your hat?" and he just gave it to her. Lol. It was hilarious.

Anyhow while Stever was there, we busted out the ukulele again and just started serenading everyone and anyone. I also asked Steve the question that has been plaguing me since August. I asked WHAT in the name of God "Yellow Rat Bastard" means. And he told me...'it's a store in SoHo.' (So if anyone can find me one...EMAIL ME!!) People...just random people staying at the hotel...were just walking by and videotaping us standing on the ledge singing 'Back Dat Ass Up' to one of the bodyguards --Dre and another one. We felt like mini celebrities.

Anyhow we ended up meeting this guy Emmitt who was like the merchandising manager or something random, but he gave us ten bucks, and also hooked three of our girls up with tickets for the next night's show. In any case, by the time 3:00 rolled around we had ourselves 35 dollars and some random change in our uke box. Steve had hung around for awhile, Johnny Wright's girlfriend dropped by, and we even captured a very soaking wet Tyler wishing us a 'Happy New Millenium'. But the thing that personally made MY millenium was the fact that after coming back from one of our many bathroom trips, Val and I saw Lance walking over toward the Rainbow tower with Nikki and Brit from Innosense. (Who SUCK in concert by the way) So not passing up another chance to make asses out of ourselves, we start singing 'Back Dat Ass Up' in memory of Vegas. (I think Lance now hates that song. Oh well.) And we roll over toward Tropics as he's making his way around the pool and I'm all.."You're a fine Mississippian won't you BACK that ass up". Lol. Ahh good times.

Anyhow things sorta winded down after awhile, and we all headed to bed about 4:30 or 5:00 AM.
