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Hawaii 5-0 Chronicles


Aight, today we laid out again and basically just recovered from our exciting adventures from the night before. Then we went to Tropics to eat before heading off to the final concert of the 'Ain't No Stoppin Us Now' tour and the first concert of the New Millenium. Since it was the last show, the did special stuff like they brought their moms and sisters out for the song 'For The Girl'...and their dads & brothers came out in hula skirts and coconut bras. They had lei's for the boys and basically just harassed them. It was the funniest thing...and I really am so much happier now that I have seen Joe Sr. in as little clothing as possible. Cute stuff. *GAG*. Tyler was looking fantabulous in his orange do rag too, along with his love-ely lip gloss. I think it was most likely Totally Toby. Lol.

They didn't really do much else that was funny cept they brought out Scary Guy to finish up GMHS. (His name is Anthony for anyone that cares.)

OH a couple things that I should mention. I ALMOST caught Justin's millenium gear glowsticks. You know, the ones that they throw. AGH...I HAD THEM IN MY HAND. But the girl in front of me had a better grip and yanked it away from me. I was so pissed I almost tackled her and pulled a WWF flying elbow on her head. It angered me greatly. Ugh. So then besides that, after Bye Bye Bye, FAT-one winked at me and waved. It was disgusting. I wouldn't usually say that he winked at ME but since we were so close and everyone in front of me was midget size, and I was like 2 heads above them since I was pushing 6 ft in my black boots. In any case it about made me vomit.

So we got back and changed before heading down to Tropics and almost as soon as we got there, Steve showed up in his Reuben-esque shirt. He was actually in a good mood. Normally he HATES everything...Hawaii, videotaping, concerts, you get the picture. He did his own little Stevie dance and was joking with us and everything. I offered him some of my cheesy popcorn, but he declined. (He doesn't eat EVER. Lol.) He was headed to a party everyone was going to at World Cafe. I didn't see him when he came back, but I guess Brit ran into him and he said he had fun (not in so many words, but when she asked that he said yes), and that he'd "see us tomorrow". Man we're in with Steverino like no other.
