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Hawaii 5-0 Chronicles


Today was another lazy ass day and we all sorta just chilled and stuff. I got locked in the bathroom that morning by Brit and Val and they wouldn't let me out until I said 'I love Fat-one'...meaning Joey. I finally pried the door open, and didn't have to admit ANYTHING. Especially because I do NOT like Joey. I think he's disgusting, and is even MORE revolting in person.

Around 4:00 we left for our Luau and our leader's name was Aalona. Lol...we like to call him 'Girl are you Aalona'. Anyhow the luau was pretty phat, but the best part was that they brought up this guy from the audience and he was all chunky. As soon as he stepped on stage Brit, Val, and Kat were all...FAT-ONE! But we all about died when he says his name is Joe and he's from New York. I was videotaping during that part and the camera just goes crazy cuz I'm laughing so hard.

We head back to the hotel and I lay down for a nap while the girls go down to Tropics...however my nap turned into a full fledged sleep until the girls came in at about 3:00 AM. We all talked for awhile...I missed Steve...he showed up yet again. Lol...Steve loves us what can we say.
