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Hawaii 5-0 Chronicles


We got up today for our last brunch at the Tropics...and the first person we saw was the Topanaganator with Heather Chasez and some other bleached blonde chain smoker. Then good ole Stevie showed up in his Abercrombie shirt and the only pair of pants he owns. He sat and chilled with us, telling BITCHING about how Janine stole his scooter. Lol. Just in case I forgot to tell you, Steve HATES everything...but the one thing he loves is complaining. (Or at least it seems to be that way.) We mentioned something about the beach and he says ever so seriously, "I HATE the beach cuz it's sandy and it gets in my crack." Now I don't know if he was talking about his crack-crack or the crack in his teeth. Lol. Who cares I guess.

So we're sitting there chillin, getting envious looks from all the little teenies who are staring at us talking to Steve like old friends...when who shows up? FAT-one. Yes you got it...Joey AND his girlfriend Kelly. He just stood and talked to Stever for a little bit, and it was so funny cuz all the little 13 year olds and even some peeps my age were staring at us cuz we just were sitting there like it was no big thing. Lol so then they got ready to go, Stever says something bout "Well ladies, I shall return with new, exciting stories for all" or something equally random. Joey says 'bye' to us and waves this little wave (ok I must admit it was cute)...and then all these little girls swarm toward him and he gets bombarded with lei's, picture requests, and autograph requests. I felt really bad for him, not to mention the fact that as soon as the little teenies showed up, Kelly moved out of the way and kinda just stood near Steve. It's kinda sad.

One funny thing though is that these two girls bout our age walked by after the Fatones left and said really loud, "I want to know who those girls are..they were just with them". (meaning the Fatones) It's actually pretty cool to be wondered about, but I think it's only because the way we acted when the brothers were around. We didn't flip out as soon as Joey came up, in fact we just kept on with our conversation like we saw him every day and it was no big deal. I would like to think that he appreciated that too...the fact that we treated him the same as we would anyone else that happened to stop by. :)

Anyhow after they all left, we headed on down to the beach for one last day of fun in the sun before we left that night. We saw Joe Sr. and Britney up on the balcony of the Ali'i Tower's private pool. Then we went and got changed at around 3 or so and did a little shopping before meeting up with the other girls (Amy, Ashley, Courtnie, and Shannon) for one last dinner at Tropics. While we sat there with our dinner, we saw Veronica, Nikki, Paul and Lynn. Aww how cute. Lol. (Actually I must say Veronica isn't as nasty looking as I thought she was...hard for me to say, but the truth.) Then after dinner we sat and watched the Hotel's little luau show or whatever by the pool.

Finally with only like a half hour before we had to leave I got up with Brit and Val to go to the restroom. On our way there, we saw good ole JC "Cracknuts" Chasez standing in the walkway to the Ali'i Tower with Bobbi. Awww how sweet...I personally was just glad to know that he was alive and they don't just wind him up for the shows. But he was just standing there, no security or anything and talking to these two I busted out in our rendition of 'Cracknuts Roasting on an Open Fire'. Brit immediately joined in, as did Val...but Brit didn't see JC. So we got in the bathroom and started laughing and she was all..."yeah that was..really funny. I don't get it." We explained that JC was out there and we walked like less than 2 feet away from him, not to mention the fact that as soon as we said CRACKNUTS he turned around. ROTFL. Needless to say after we came out of the restroom he was mobbed by teenies and was right behind us, skipping back into the hotel where Joe Sr. and Phyllis were chillin in the lobby. So Brit starts conducting to our little song and we headed back to our table.

Anyhow that was pretty much it, we then left for the rental car place...which was CLOSING as we got there cuz we were a tad lost. But made it to the airport okay, and as sad as we were to leave, we were tired girls as we flew back to LA.

The End. :)

*It was CRUNK and I can't wait to go back!!*
