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I never cared for diaries....
Thursday, 1 September 2005
Does reality trump delusion?
Mood:  special
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There was this girl I knew in high school who thought she was all that and a bag of chips, and instead of my usual reaction to "those people," I envied her a little. You see, she was a big girl. By big, I mean enormous. I'm guessing somewhere around 325. I'm ashamed to admit I joined the crowd and laughed behind her back from time to time, even though I was hardly svelte myself. In high school, anything over 175 is considered gigantic, and I imagine that I was somewhere around 225. Still, I knew my place. I was a fat girl with a great personality. I was friends with almost all the boys in my class, but I would never, ever think to make a move on one of them. The horror! SHE was different. She flirted with nearly every guy she met, and she never let their rejection get to her. I wanted to be like her. I wanted her self-confidence and her fearlessness.

Then reality struck. Hard. There was a band trip to Florida. On a day of leisure, most of the girls hit the beach, modestly clothed in one-piece bathing suits. Not HER. She arrived at the beach in a string bikini. Now, I'm all for having good self-esteem, but this struck me as completely unacceptable.

I believe one of my greatest strengths is knowing my weaknesses. I'm impatient and intolerant of too many things to list. I'm kinda chubby. Lighter than I was in school, but still chubby. And even if I were a size 4, I would still only be about an 8 on a scale of 10. I know these things. When I meet someone online who tells me he thinks I'm beautiful, I thank him for the compliment and wonder what he wants from me. Is that just a lack of self-esteem? Or am I being real?

Posted by Holly at 11:08 AM PDT
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Friday, 9 September 2005 - 2:43 PM PDT

Name: Chris R. the fabulous mess

What a fascinating story. Her self-esteem was amazing! I have shitty self-esteem and I'm not nearly that big. As for "am i being real?"...well, to a point I think it is lack of self-esteem but considering what is out there on the net, I think that you really are being real...even though you don't think you are gorgeous (which, to me, you are absolutely adorable and fabulous!), there are lots of guys that do think you are gorgeous, but there are also those guys that no matter what you look like to them, they will have bad intentions and try to take advantage of you...even if they are genuine in saying you are beautiful. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE...the internet is a wonderful, wild, fascinating

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