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I never cared for diaries....
Wednesday, 16 November 2005
Maybe I should put more stock in astrology after all...
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: I Walk the Line -- Johnny Cash
Just messing around online tonight, and I came across a site that explains how well someone of a certain sign connects romantically with someone of another sign, and this seemed to hit the figurative nail on the head when it came to my last relationship. "A match made in heaven or one which at times can descend into the depths of hell..." sounds familiar.

I'm attaining a small degree of closure.
It feels incredible.

Scorpio + Pisces

Water + Water = Deluge

The matching of Scorpio with Pisces can either be a match made in heaven or one which at times can descend into the depths of hell because the strong union of powerful, emotional energies of both these water signs produces an overwhelming amount of unbridled passion and sensitivity. Pisces is probably one of the most perfectly suited signs to your complexity and knows just how to touch you in body, mind and spirit. When Pisces somehow infiltrates your Scorpio psyche, there is very little you can do except fall head over heels in love. If, as a Scorpio, you are a tormented soul and seek loving understanding in your life, have no doubt about it, Pisces is just what you’ve been looking for.

For Pisces, Scorpio has the wizard’s touch in being most capable of drawing them back from that spiritual realm in which they are sometimes so self-absorbed that they forget the practical reason for being. Scorpio can ground them and tune their intuitive beings to a special emotional attachment with them. The classic Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor love saga is one that epitomises the archetypal expression of Scorpio (Richard Burton) with Pisces (Elizabeth Taylor). The Pisces-Scorpio connection is one that extends beyond any level of mundane or astrological expression.

This love and attachment will be manifested beautifully between these two star signs. The most karmic connection is with those Pisces born between 1 and 10 March, as Cancer and the Moon have much influence on them. Many lessons, particularly with respect to the opening up of your emotional self, will be experienced with those Pisces born within these dates. Strong links and sensual gratification will be gained with those born between 20 and 28 February. Extreme passion results when Scorpio connects with Pisces born between 11 and 20 March, since these individuals have strong Scorpio tendencies.

Posted by Holly at 11:31 PM PST
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Thursday, 17 November 2005 - 5:53 AM PST

Name: Chris R.
Home Page:

Very interesting!

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