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I never cared for diaries....
Monday, 20 March 2006
Never say never...or so they tell me.
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: "Because of You" -- Kelly Clarkson
After a three month hiatus, I resumed running. The first week was excruciating. I was out of breath after only a few blocks, but I pushed myself a few blocks further. At the end of week two, I made it a mile without stopping, and I somehow made it three miles total. And now, on week six, I'm running four and a half miles a day, and more than anything, it's sheer boredom that lures me into quitting. But I won't quit. I'm signed up for the Carlsbad 5000, which is just under three weeks away. Two weeks later is the La Jolla 5k. I'm undecided about the UT Race for Literacy two weeks after that, but I do believe I'll do the Bay Bridge 4-mile run on May 21st.

A few people now have told me that I should aim for a marathon next year, but honestly, I don't think I can do that for many, many years, and running bores me to tears. I just want to prove to myself that I can do a few of these races, just finishing, not caring about winning (which would never, ever happen!). But who knows? If I keep this up, maybe I could do a couple of longer races. Then again, maybe I could spend my time doing something more interesting and less painful.

Posted by Holly at 8:36 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 20 March 2006 8:47 PM PST
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Saturday, 25 March 2006 - 6:53 PM PST

Name: Your pal, Chris
Home Page:

Hey! Good for you for sticking with it. I've never really been interested in running, I think I would get bored, too. You AMAZE me though...I can't believe you can run so far! I'd be dying.

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