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I never cared for diaries....
Wednesday, 16 July 2003
Holy cow, I'm a big girl now.
I recently had the experience of meeting someone from the internet. Yes, I've done this dozens of times, but this time was different. In the past, I've seen a pic or two of the person before we've met in person. Even if the pic's blurry, grainy, or taken from across a football field, I feel I know what to expect, at least a little bit. Not this time. I had seen no pics. In fact, the day before we were scheduled to meet, I was somewhat surprised to learn he's a couple of inches shorter than I. I've dated shorter men in the past, so I didn't think this would bother me too much, but I found myself worrying if perhaps I would judge. Yep, you read that right. I'm no more judgmental than the average person, but when you meet someone online and have no picture to put to the typing and voice, there's always the chance that when you meet in person, the reality will shock you to the roots of your hair and leave you a little embarassed at being so into the person. It's a harsh reality, but it's reality all the same.

Luckily, the guy's not hard on the eyes, but I found myself thinking that it really wouldn't have mattered too much.

Posted by Holly at 11:39 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 January 2004 11:56 AM PST
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