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I never cared for diaries....
Wednesday, 16 July 2003
Time to talk about the blog itself....
Someone read my page years ago and recommended I make a blog. This was back when blogs were relatively new, so I'd never heard of them, but after they became more popular, I remembered what she'd said, so technically, I owe all the credit to her. So if you ever read this, person who told me years ago that I should write a blog, thanks.

This is just going to be a place for me to write about my experiences. I'll try to keep the emotions and thoughts pretty raw, so I won't over-edit, but I'll try to maintain a decent level of journalistic flow and readability.

My thoughts tend to be random babbling, and I'll do my best to put them on paper that way, to put to paper what is true, not necessarily what sounds best.

Posted by Holly at 12:16 PM PDT
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