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My First Award for this page!
Hi A.J.
I represent an Internet guide and links site at, and we have recently started an award scheme for exceptional sites which make up the various communities on the web. I am please to announce that your website has won a 'BuzzeZ! Website Award' ! Your award number is 74. You have been awarded this for your combination of high quality, ease of use, media and overall content on your site which we feel provides a genuinely interesting website to other people interested in which I assume is your favourite field. If you choose to accept this award, then you can have the privilege of displaying a GENUINE award graphic (of your chosen size) on your site. What's more, if you link the graphic back to our site (use the correct URL including your award number), then you may be upgraded to an additional Gold Award. If this happens, you would be awarded a free link to your site from our categorised links! Winners of Gold award's are based on the number of people that 'vote' for your site by clicking on your award graphic. You may also boost your number of votes by supplying a text link on your site, or in your e-mails (etc). Assuming you accept our award, you must include your award number (74) to register your votes! E-mail for additional support if required. If you are the master of several sites, then this would have been considered when your award was handed out. Hence if you get more than one award, the ID number SHOULD be the same (contact us if it is not). I should add that we are only handing out a total of 500 awards across the Internet, and these will be compiled into a list available on the site sometime in 2000. I should also add that only 50 of these can qualify for the Gold Award, and get listed in our Internet Directory and Guide. I hope this is not the only time we will have the pleasure of encouraging your work!

Best wishes,

BuzzeZ! Website

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