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Anime Art

Page 5

Kurama - YuYu Hakusho - *nudity kinda* Kurama likes plants- 13.04.02

Lun - Slayers - Xel and Zel as Luna/Lune from Digi Charat - 16.04.02

Hiei - Large, Small - YuYuHakusho - Turned out surprisingly well for a sketch!! 03.05.02

Misao - Kenshin - For Nikki's b-day! Ya weaslie girl.... 03.05.02

Hameln BG, no BG - Violinist of Hameln - I love his pants... I hate doing BGs... - 04.05.02

Utena - Fun with Layers - My first try at a more realistic face - 24.05.02

Dress Blue/Green - Me - I thought this looked interesting... it was just a scribble - 24.05.02

Utena - going to be a painting someday.... - 09.05.02

Love Machine Lyrics/None - Morning Musume - Inspired by the song and music video - 19.05.02

All art copyright jenna unless otherwise stated. Some pitures contain nudity or same sex pairings. All warnings appear in **. General rating of non-warning pictures is pg-14.