Katie Wolk

The Curse of Reality

Why can't I believe?
I want to, more than anything
The dream, the magic, the adventure
If only it could be real
If only for thirteen hours
If only for a moment

Curse this world we live in
It holds my dreams just out of my reach
Fills my head with doubts and reason
Tears me from imagination
Forces me away from fantasy
Away from my spirit
Away from life

Don't they understand what they do?
With every forbidden word they speak
My heart sinks further into despair
If my dreams hold no truth
I'd rather live in a lie
Don't tell me the truth if it will dissolve my illusions
Don't tell me it's all just a story
Don't tell me it's only in my mind

But if it is only in my mind
A mind is a powerful thing
Why can it not turns my dreams into reality?
Crossing beyond the bridge of truth
If I believe, truly without a doubt believe
Is that enough?
Can anyone believe with out a bit of doubt?
I don't know if I can
I try to ignore the whispers of reason that fill me ears
I try to drown the doubts that rise to the surface of my conscience

But they are always there
Taunting, making me doubt what I treasure so deeply
It is a constant struggle
Trying to win my dreams
If I win, then maybe I can finally find myself inside them.

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