You can E-mail me any thoughts you may have, or any party info you think should be posted at:
Over this past weekend, the Metropolis Dance club was raided, probably ending all forthcoming events at that location. The "die hard-old-schoolers" rejoiced at this, according to the Boston Parties list, making accusations basically saying that this was their own doing; charging hefty door prices and what not. This "Holier than Thou" attitude cannot be tolerated. I've had good times at the Metropolis, starting in 97(shit, I am new school so maybe I am not a credible person) all the way to this year. The best parties I went to this year were at the Metro: Bad Boy Bill and Frankie, Adam and Heather. Well, maybe they did charge too much money, but maybe not. Either way, I'm glad I shelled out the 20 dollars to get in instead of buying an extra E to just sit around someone's house and be a vegetable. The memories of these events, (especially the slammin ass shit these DJ's played) will last me forever, while I've forgotten so many evenings of being whacked out at home. My point is, old schoolers are spoiled brats that are too quick to give up because they think they had the best. (I'm just gonna ramble on from here on in cause I'm drunk)
Many people made fun of me about a year ago cause I would go to Operation Boom when there was a good headliner. I had fun there, and none of you can take that away from me. I'm in love with electronic dance music, maybe even more than any of these old schoolers will ever understand. Through techno, I realized what my life is about: music. Techno has made me so much more aware and proud of my influences. Whether it's Ministry, NIN, Strife, Earth Crisis I have always been dedicated to my scenes. I remember gettin shit cause I went to see Felix the Housecat at Boom. Because I went, I added many more records to my collection that I had never heard, and had a good time that I will always remember..
My point is, don't go for this old school bullshit. What are you supposed to do, go to the annual warehouse event someone throws and thats it? Fuck that. No shame in being a "raver." Do whatcha like, and don't ever let no one tell ya other wise.
El JefeMad Respect to Kevin for startin new shit, Hood for helpin me start new shit, Liz and Marie for comin to the new shit, Rat for all his support, Chad for arguing with and for Schematics.(We'll take it to the next level).