The Mime Box - Art
Welcome to the Art section. If you can call it art :) The style of drawing that's fit for this site is simple, quick, funny-looking, and generally low-detail. In the end, you get funky little doodles that are fun to look at. Of course, we have some actually good pieces too. Well, not yet. Choose an artist below to see what laughs they have to offer. It's all eye candy! Each artist has a little thumbnail of their "portrait." Oh, and DO NOT TAKE ANY DRAWINGS BELONGING TO THE ARTISTS WITHOUT PERMISSION.
Click on the artist's portrait or name to view their gallery.
Big stuff by Magus and Sushi, choo choo, the joint works of Magus and myself.
Sushi, is the founder of this stupid little site.
Magus, is one crazy guy.
Gilgamesh, enjoys watching Captain Planet.
Chupi wants to eat your children.
Shroomz, does not do drugs. And neither should you.
Spaced wants nothing but world peace. Apparently.
Battosai is the master of his elite drawing style - Batto styles