Future Beheld

  • Future Beheld

    (a “Little Artemis”™ fanfic) by tabby_trapp

    (It was a warm autumn afternoon in the year 2008, Tabitha Trapp was trying to make it to the shoelace store but it was the holiday season and the crowds were impossible.)

    Tabby: Ow! excuse me . . .wait can I. . . Just. . . can you move. . . I just want to get through. . . . !!!

    (She said trying to shove through a group of teenagers. Finally after making it through the crowd she makes it to the shoelace store.)

    Tabby: Huff. Puff. . . I finally made it. . .

    (She goes to the counter and looks at the shelves. Chooses a pack of white shoelaces and puts it on the counter. As she looks up the cashier ducks down to get a bag from a cupboard below.)

    Tabby:(thinks) Hhmmmm. . . That girl looks familiar. Like I know her from some where. . .

    (The cashier gets up and takes Tabby’s money that she has set on the counter. She puts the laces in the bag and gets her change and gives Tabby her receipt.)

    Cashier: And your change is 17 cents. Always remember when you fall down you probably need some new LACES!

    Tabby: Thanks. . . .(starts to walk to the door. . . but turns around) Hey I know you! You’re Ami! How could I forget your face!?!

    Cashier*now known as Ami*: Tabby? Is that you? I haven’t seen you in 5 years!

    (They talk and catch up on times. . .. .)

    Ami: So have you heard from the others?

    Tabby: No. . . have you?

    Ami: Well, Cherry’s my roommate. We went to college together with Mary. And well, Kay lives on a farm right now. I think in Illinois.. . . But haven’t seen Chad or Eliott for a long time.. . . Oh, and Miranda lives in an old victorian house with 50 cats.

    Tabby: Well I haven’t seen anyone except Chad. . . Oh yeah, We got married.

    Ami: You did what?!?!?!

    Tabby: We got married, but nothing really big otherwise I would of invited you all.

    Ami:(stunned look,sarcastic)Oh, do you got kids too?

    Tabby:No, not yet.

    Ami:Well, what happened exactly. I mean, how did we get so far apart? Where are you living now?

    Tabby:I’m not sure. I think after high-school we just went to different colleges and we drifted apart. I live in the same house as I did when I was a kid.

    Ami:Well, there’s a line forming behind you. You better go.

    Tabby:bye. Umm, you can just call me when you want. See you later!

    Ami:Ok, bye!

    (Tabby leaves the store and drives home. She comes home to find Chad talking to Milo and Oi-ya.)

    Chad:Finally you’re home! See what you've resorted me to do? Talk to Oi-ya and Milo. (Milo grunts and Oi-ya splashes water at Chad.)So, did you get the new laces?

    Tabby: I sure did(with hearts).

    Chad:Nifty! (grabs the laces and starts putting them on his shoes.) Thanks Tabby! So what’s for dinner?

    (The Artemis Medallion beeps)

    Artemis: Lunarian! Solar! You are needed! Aphrodite’s gotten rid of Hathor and she has a new enemy for you! Go to the park downtown! Hurry!

    (They nodd and Chad puts the guardians inside. They transform and then race to the park downtown and the sky begins to turn black and cloudy. They make it to the park and see all these people sitting on benches and staring into each others eyes. . . . . like a trance. A woman is standing on of the monkey bars and is watching everyone. There are cupids flying around shooting people on the streets with arrows. They soon fall in love and stare into each others eyes.)

    Tabby: Hurry! We’ve got to stop them before the whole town falls in love!

    Chad:(nodds) You’re right! We’ve got to stop them! . . . . . .but how? Tabby help me! I can’t think for myself!

    Tabby:Sure Chad. (with hearts) I’d love to help you. . . .

    (The woman on the monkey bars sees them and alerts the cupids.)

    Woman(Charues):Cupids! Make those two fools fall in love.

    (The head cupid goes over to them and shoots an arrow. It hits Tabby. )

    Chad: Tabby! No! Are you ok?

    Tabby: I’m fine.

    Chad: Oh, I was worried. . . . Look! The arrow didn’t even wound you!

    (The cupid scratches his head wondering why the love arrow didn’t work. He calls two more cupids and tells them to shoot. They start shooting Chad and Tabby like nuts.)

    Tabby: What are they trying to do?

    (The arrows hit them and just kind of melt off)

    (Chad sees the woman on the monkey bars glaring at them; so he calls out)

    Chad: You! Who are you? Do you work for Aphrodite?

    (Tabby looks at Chad)

    Tabby:No, she’s just some strange woman who has flying cupids shooting people with arrows.(smacks him over the head) Of course she works for Aphrodite!

    Charues: My name is Charues. I already know you Lunarian. Or shall I say .....Tabby.

    Tabby:(gasps) How....Did..you know my true identity?

    Charues: I know you very well Tabby.....I even went to school with you.

    Tabby:Went to school with me? Who do I know that would join evil that went to school with me...? Eli...wait no! It can’t be....unless he’s disguised as a woman...

    Tabby: Eliott? Is that you?

    Charues: Eliott?!?!!? How dare you insult me! Compare me to a lowly creature like him. I should kill you right now!!

    Tabby: Not Eliott? Who could it possibly be then?

    Charues: Enough games little girl! It is I. Charu!

    Tabby: (gasps) CHARU??!!?!??! It can’t be!

    Charues:(mocking laugh) Yes it is I. Why else would I have left you during High School? It is because I was on the evil forces side. I left because you were all becoming suspicious!

    Chad:No way! You are not Charu! I don’t believe it!

    Charues: Well start believing it! For now you will die!

    Tabby: No Charu don’t do it! How dare you use such a strong weapon as Love!

    Chad: We will stop you!

    Charues: How? With your puny little Sword of Orion? Oh no! Hide me I’m so afraid! Before I kill you answer me one question. How come the arrows didn’t affect you?

    Tabby: Because we were already in love! We're married now and you can’t make two people who are already in love fall in love again!

    Chareus: Married? Why wasn’t I invited to the wedding? That does it you will die!!

    (Real nifty fight scene where Charues glows bright purple and takes out a red arrow. She shoots it and hearts surround Tabby and Chad. Tabby calls for the Sword of Orion and starts fighting Charues. Chad is busy fighting off the attacking cupids. While they are both busy the head Cupid takes out two black heart arrows; Hate Arrows. He aims them at Chad and Tabby and lets go. It hits both of them in the heart. They turn around and Tabby smacks Chad. )

    Tabby: Look. I can take care of myself. So don’t think I can’t beat Charues and these cupids by myself blindfolded!

    Charues: Hey!

    Chad: Well I’m tired of always having to save you. Why don’t you go home and be a good little wife by cleaning the house? I’ll take care of this!

    Tabby:You save me? Let’s not forget I was the first to save you! And I’ll clean your HOUSE!!!!

    (She takes the Sword of Orion and starts at him, but then they start fighting...)

    Charues: Come on Boys, lets go home.

    (They vanish and Tabby and Chad are back to normal still fighting. Artemis and Apollo appear in front of them.)

    Tabby: Hey what happened? I untransformed with out the medallion!

    Artemis: I untransformed you. Chad? Tabby? Why are you fighting? You let Charues get away!

    Chad: It’s all Tabby’s fault! If she hadn’t-

    Tabby:(interrupts) MY FAULT??!!!?!? It’s all your fault! Why if I had a nickel for each time it’s been your fault-

    Apollo:(interrupts) That’s enough! You two were hit with hate arrows! That’s why you are fighting, now come with us to the Great Caves and We’ll fix all this...

    Chad: I’m not going if SHE’S going!

    Tabby: Why I outta!-

    Artemis:I hate to admit this, but Appollo’s right. You two must come with us right away.

    Apollo: Really Sis? I was right for once?

    Artemis: Yes, now let’s go.

    (they appear in the Great Caves.)

    (Tabby and Chad are put on these stone beds and a crystal ball floats over them draining all their hatred for each other. Tabby and Chad sit up)

    Tabby: Oh Chad! I’m so glad you’re ok (with hearts)!

    (They hug and Socrates looks away in disgust.)

    Socrates: That’s enough you two!

    Artemis: Ok, we have to find out a plan to defeat Charues. She must be destroyed!

    Tabby: No! We can’t destroy Charues. Charu’s my friend. Can’t we get rid of the evil some how and save Charu?

    Artemis: But it’s so much easier just to destroy her.

    Tabby: We can’t! Apollo! Do something!

    Apollo:(acting all macho and proud because he was right for once)Well, I can check my oracle, but I don’t see why I have to since I’m right all the time!

    Artemis: So Apollo, what’s your genius plan?(sarcastically)

    Apollo: Well....I haven’t quite thought of it yet....just let me think..hmmmm...Let me check my Oracle.

    (Apollo leaves and Artemis helps Tabby and Chad get down from the stone beds)

    Artemis: Why don’t you two go home while we devise a plan?

    ( Chad and Tabby walk home.)

    Chad: Tabby? You didn’t actually mean any of the stuff you said to me did you?

    Tabby: (hesitant): Uhhh.............*pause* no Chad.

    Chad:Ok! Wait a minute....How come it took you so long to anwser me?

    Tabby: (again hesitant) Uhhhhh....... *pause* No reason.

    Chad: Ok! Wait a minute! You think I’m stupid don’t you?

    Tabby:*pause* Yes.

    Chad:Ok! Wait a minute. That’s bad! Come on Tabby! We used to be able to tell each other everything before. Why didn’t you ever tell me you felt that way?

    Tabby: I didn’t think you’d understand, because of your thick skull.


    Chad:Well then, maybe we shouldn’t be together.

    Tabby: Chad! Please! We just had a little fight. That’s no reason to break up!

    Chad:(stubbornly) Well I find it a perfectly good enough reason. Tabby. I want a DIVORCE!

    Tabby:Chad,come on we can work this out! I just meant that I’m tired of you always trying to save me. I can take care of myself! And I didn’t REALLY mean you’re that stupid....well, yes I guess a little.....well ok, I meant the whole thing.

    Chad: SEE? We are so different and until you can decide whether I’m GOOD ENOUGH for you. I want to see other people!

    (Chad storms away)

    Tabby: Chad! Chad! Please! WE can work this out!

    (she gives up hopelessly and slumps to the ground.)

    Tabby:(to herself) What am I going to do?

    (It’s very late, hours later and Tabby decides she should probably get home by now; Milo might be worried. She walks home and kicks a MONKEYGIRL™ candy bar wrapper along the side walk. She finally reaches home to see Chad sitting on the porch waiting for her. Her eyes lighten up.)

    Tabby:(thinks to herself) Maybe he’s thought about how stupid this all was and he wants to make up!

    (she walks to the porch and says)

    Tabby: Oh, you’re here. I thought you didn’t like me anymore.

    (Chad starts to talk but Tabby immediantly interrupts him)

    Tabby: Oh Chad! I am so sorry! It’s all my fault... *mutters under breath"this time"*!!!

    Chad: That doesn’t matter anymore Tabby. What was said was said and I don’t think I can trust you anymore.

    Tabby:(suddenly angry again) So why the hell did you come back to MY house?!?!?!

    Chad: I forgot my key. And I need to get my stuff and Oi-ya.

    Tabby:(voice suddenly soft and timid) Oh. Here.

    (She unlocks the house and Chad races inside to get all his stuff. He comes back out.)

    Chad: Uhhh.... Tabby? Can I stay here tonight? Seeing how I don’t have anywhere else to go?

    Tabby: No! You can not stay here! I pay all the rent! Go find some where else to stay!!!!!! NOW!

    (Tabby*who’s now in a very angry mood* throws his suitcases outside and slams the door on him.....Chad knocks on the door timidly. Tabby swings open the door)

    Tabby: What do you want?!?!?

    Chad: Uhhh, I forgot Oi-ya.

    (Tabby grabs the bowl and is about it throw it at him when Oi-ya’s telepathic mind freezes her arm)

    Oi-ya: Ms. Tabitha. Please do be careful with my bowl. *pause* (suddenly hysterical) Ohmigosh! I’m starting to sound like Milo!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!

    (Tabby gently hands the bowl to Chad then violently slams the door again.)

    (Chad is walking down the road in the moonlight with Oi-ya’s bowl on his head and all his stuff.)

    (It’s been quite a long time until Chad finally stops walking)

    Chad: Well it’s getting awfully late. I should probably find a place to stay...Argh! But I left my money at Tabby’s house! Well, I can stay with my friends...even though I haven’t heard from them in 5-6 years....Eliott! Eliott will let me stay with him for the night!

    (So he merrily walks to Eliott's old house. It’s a deserted place and the windows are boarded up. Chad rings the door bell and knocks.)

    Chad: Hello? Is anyone in there?

    (He shrugs and decides to leave since no one seems to be home. He goes to a phone booth on the corner and looks through the phone book.)

    Chad: Tabby told me that Cherry and Ami went to the HighHopes Girls College. Maybe they live in a dorm or an apartment!

    (He looks through the book and finds Cherry’s name and phone number and address. He calls her.)

    *Ring Ring Ring*

    Cherry: Hello?

    Chad: Hi Cherry! I was just wondering if I can stay with you and Ami tonight?!

    Cherry: Who is this?

    Chad: Oh sorry. You probably don’t recognize my voice. It’s me Chad!

    Cherry: Oh, hi Chad. I heard you got married to Tabby. Why do you need a place tonight?

    Chad: Because me and Tabby are getting a divorce. Well, I don’t want to talk about. So can I?

    Cherry: Sorry. We are already overcrowded as it is. We’re letting an old hobo stay with us tonight. So sorry. Bye!


    Chad: Wait! Hello? Hello?

    Chad: Great. Now what am I going to do? Mary!!!! Yeah, Tabby said she became a nun or something. Let’s see, the only church in this city is.....*looks through the phone book* Saint Eliza’s Monastary. Ok.....*dials* here we go...come on, come on.......

    Woman’s Voice: Hello may I help you?

    Chad: Yeah can I talk to Mary?

    Woman’s Voice: And which Mary will that be? Mary our Lord’s mother? Sister Mary? Mother Mary? Sister Mary the fourth? *she goes and names a whole lot of different Marys.* Hello? Hello? Young man are you still there?

    Chad:*awakes from sleep* Wha-? Yeah I’m still here.

    Woman’s Voice:Well which Mary will it be?

    Chad: Umm......Mary the nun?

    Woman’s Voice: Well there’s several nuns that go by the name Mary. There’s Sister Mary Katherine. And there’s Sister Mary Julia. Sister Mary Harper. Sister Mary Heather.......

    (Chad sets the phone down and leaves the booth as the woman continues to name all the Marys. Chad sits down on the curb with Oi-ya on his lap.)

    Chad: What am I going to do? I have no money and no friends who’ll take me in....

    Oi-ya: Well there’s always someone you know that’ll take you in......

    Chad: Who could that be?

    Oi-ya: Why Chip of course!

    (Chad screams and jumps up nearly dropping Oi-ya.)

    Chad: Never say that name in my presence!!!!

    Oi-ya: What? Chip?

    (Chad screams again)

    Chad: Well I guess since I’m desperate I could......NO!!NO!!NO!!! I won’t! I can’t! I’m gonna have to, aren’t I?

    (Oi-ya nods)

    Chad: Ok let’s go to Chip’s house.

    (He gathers all his stuff and starts down the road to Chip’s home. He finally reaches it in an easy 20 minutes. He hesitates before knocking on the door.)


    Chip’s voice behind the door: Coming! Hang on!

    (Chip open the door and stands in the door way. He’s in a towel only. No shirt.)

    Chip: Oh hello Chad. How can I help you?

    Chad:(prepared for evil, is relaxed now)Why aren’t you evil sounding?

    Chip: Evil? Oh, I gave that all up after high school.

    Chad:Really? Whew! Am I relieved! So, ummm I have a question to ask you-

    Chip:(interrupts) Ummm....Chad, you know this isn’t the best time...

    Tabby’s Voice from inside: Chip Darling? Who is it?

    Chip: (calling to Tabby) No one. Just some old begger at the door I’ll tell him to go away!

    Chad: TABBY’S IN THERE?!!?

    Tabby: Chad! Uhhhh..look,It’s not what you think!

    Chad: Don’t think you’re going to use one of your mind games to make me look stupid. Even I know what is going on when a half naked man answers the door and your wife is inside. I mean I know I said we should see other people, but I didn’t mean that very night and certainly not my cousin Chip!!

    Chip: Look Tabby why don’t you go back inside while I take out the “trash”.

    Tabby: You most certainly will not, Chip! Look Chad I was upset and Ami’s phone line was busy and I really needed someone to talk to so I thought Chip might cheer me up and-

    Chip:(finishes her sentence)-I was in the shower when I heard the knock on my door so I threw a towel on and made some coffee while she cried her eyes out. Chad I know I was evil in the past, but you are pure evil for what you did to poor Tabby.

    Chad: Me evil? She said I was stupid and uhh. .... some other stuff.....well....yeah!

    Chip:You want a divorce because she called you stupid? You really are stupid!

    Chad:*whiny little kid's voice* Stop it! Mom!!!!!

    Tabby: Sorry Chad ,but your mom isn’t going to help you this time. Remember? She moved to another country to live with a cult.

    Chad: Oh yeah I forgot.....Well,Tabby..I guess I have been stupid and-

    (the Artemis Medallion beeps)

    Tabby: Gotta go boys...have fun!

    (She races off...and Chad takes off after her.) (Chad finally catches up to her while she’s talking to Artemis in the Medallion.)

    Artemis: I’m glad I caught you two together. Charues has attacked another part of the city on West 53rd St. She’s using Cupids but they have stronger weapons I believe. My resources tell me that she is trying to pry your love apart. So just think about how much you love each other the whole time during the battle! Good Luck now go!

    Tabby:*mutters under her breath* Oh that’ll be easy...come on Solar.

    Chad: *leaning against a tree* Oh I thought you didn’t need my help.

    Tabby:*suddenly realizing her mistake* Fine stay here.

    (She transforms and races off)

    Chad: Hey wait for me!

    (Chad races trying to catch up to Tabby. He makes it to the street corner to see Tabby taking out the Sword of Orion. Charues is surrounded by a flock of Cupids.)

    Charues: I see your little boy toy made it finally.

    Tabby: He’s NOT important. Charues! How could you become evil? What did Aphrodite do to you?

    Charues: She did nothing! I was made to be evil! And your little love puppy is no longer important to you? Ha! This will much easier than I thought!

    Tabby: That’s only in your mind! I will defeat the evil within you and you will be Charu once again!

    Charues: Ha, stupid girl! DIE!!!!*She takes out a sharp love arrow and lunges towards Tabby*

    (Tabby ducks and rolls over the ground. She takes the sword and blocks Charues’ arrow. Chad watches in the corner. )

    Chad:(said softly with tears in his eyes...) I’m no longer important to her?

    (He leaves.....there are several little pictures of him walking in the sunset as Solar. He is a nearly 5 blocks away when he hears Tabby scream.)

    Chad: Tabby? Oh no!!

    (Chad races back to the Street. Charues is holding the heart arrow that is slowly turning black. Tabby is lying still on the ground and is glowing red but slowly starting to glow black.)

    Chad: Charues! What did you do to her?

    Charues: HA! I made her evil of course. Once she turns fully black she will be one of us!

    Chad: No!!!!! Tabby....please! No!

    (He kneels next her and tries to wake her up, but she is lying still with her eyes wide open.)

    Chad: Tabby! Wake up!!! Tabby!!! Tabby!!!

    ******Back in the present...... Good old 1997. Tabby’s room. *******

    (Tabby is sleeping and Chad is shaking her to wake up.)

    Chad: Tabby wake up!!!! We’re going to be late for school! Come on!

    (Tabby stirs and awakens)

    Tabby: Wha- Chad? But I thought you were old? And wait what’s going on?

    Chad:What on earth are you talking about? Come on. We have to go to school you’re going to be late! You’re aren’t even dressed!?!!??!?!

    Tabby:Ok I’m awake now....I guess it was just a dream.....

    Chad: A dream? Was I in it?

    Tabby: You could say so..........

  • The End!

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