Issue #6 Issue #6: “You’re missing T.V. for this?!”

(In Aphrodite’s palace)


HATHOR- What, your Majesty?

APHRODITE- It just occurred to me that music is an intregal presence in the Earth’s society. Adults have their “records”-

EROS- What’s a record?

APHRODITE- (ignoring him)- kids have their “M TV.”

EROS- No, seriously. What’s a record? Mom? Tell me!

APHRODITE- So, if there were a song that carried my hypnotic message of World Domination, there would be no way I could lose!

HATHOR- That sounds familiar. (thinking)

. . .

(At school; 6th period. Tabby, Cherry, Mary, Ami, Miranda, + Charu are in choir. Their teacher, Mrs. Stewart, is telling them stuff.)

MRS. STEWART- Our concert is in less than a week, so over the next few days, you have to eat, breathe, sleep, and pretty much live your tape. If you don’t have a tape, write backwards across your forehead: “BRING A TAPE.” How many of you have a tape?

(People raise hands)

MRS. STEWART- Good. How many of you don’t have tapes?

(People, including Miranda, raise hands)

MRS. STEWART- Smack yourselves on the back of the hand! Now, I must attend to a different choir. There is a problem with transportation.

(She exits.)

MARY- Ooh! Miranda’s going to get her legs broke!

MIRANDA- I don’t think that’s legal. I don’t see why we have to have a tape anyway.

TABBY- Neither do I, really. I never use it.

. . .

(Its Eliott, with Ryoko, in front of the curtain)

ELIOTT- Some of you may be distressed that I only have one line in Issue #5.

VOICE- Its because we didn’t need you!

RYOKO- Come on! You know its only because you couldn’t spell my name!

VOICE- He wasn’t important last issue! Now shut up, before I kill you both off!

. . .

(In Aphrodite’s palace)

APHRODITE- You need to go down to Earth and find five unrealistically proportioned young females.

HATHOR- But shouldn’t they be able to sing, too?

APHRODITE- Don’t be silly, Hathor. 5 of the Muses are going to be singing!


APHRODITE- The five beautiful girls you choose will be singing into dead microphones.

HATHOR- By “beautiful”, do you mean-

APHRODITE- I mean slutty.

HATHOR- I figured as much.

APHRODITE- You will go to Earth disguised as an agent, or something. Hold auditions. Take pictures. I’ll choose the 5 who will most likely make others anorexic, and- the Sugar Girls will be born.

. . .

(In another part of the castle, Eros is sitting is a darkened room, staring intently at the Crystal Ball.)

. . .

(Eliott is in front of the curtain)

ELIOTT- There has been a misunderstanding about Ryoko. She is a gray esquilax, not pink.

VOICE- You told me you wanted pink!

ELIOTT- No I didn’t! You’re psycho! I’m not gay!

VOICE- Sure, Eliott. Keep telling yourself that.

OTHER VOICES- “But it is pink!” “You said you wanted pink!” “You will get pink!”

(The Voices throw bricks at Eliott.)

ELIOTT- You smell like chilli! (he passes out)

. . .

(Tabby, Chad, Ami, Eliott, Cherry, Charu, Mary, Kay, and Miranda are walking to their eating spot. They see a sign advertising: COME BE A SUGAR GIRL! AUDITIONS FRIDAY BY ANNABEL ATHOR MAPLES [Hathor].)

AMI- “SUGAR GIRL”? What’s a Sugar Girl?

TABBY- Is it like a Monkey Girl?

ELIOTT- I doubt it.

CHERRY- I heard its some band these people are forming.

MARY- Not really a band. Its actually-

MIRANDA- (Interrupting) -a group of slutty girls who go up and pretend to sing songs that they pretend to have written.

MARY- That’s not what I was going to say. And I’ll thank you not to interrupt me. (They argue)

KAY- Who’s Annabel Athor Maples?

CHERRY- Probably some agent.

. . .

(With Aphrodite)

HATHOR- So how’s this as my disguise?

APHRODITE- For what?

HATHOR- Annabel Athor Maples!

APHRODITE- I don’t like it.

(Hathor changes to her original shape)

HATHOR- What were you thinking?

APHRODITE- Thinking? Huh? What’s that?

HATHOR- I think I’ll go with that disguise, after all.

. . .

(At school, the day of the auditions)

(Tabby + friends are trying to push their way through the crowd)

CHAD- Hey! What’s going on here?!

CHERRY- It must be those Sugar Girl auditions.

CHARU- Those preservial harpies!

ELIOTT- “Preservial.” What does that mean?

CHARU- “One who preserves”? I don’t know.

. . .

(Two old guys...)

OLD GUY #1- There goes a whole flock of scantily clad young women.

OLD GUY #2- Trouble’s a’ brewin’..

. . .

(In another room of Aphrodite’s castle, Eros finds his mother)

EROS- Mom? Is it the first of the month yet?


EROS- Can I see her?


(He follows her into the throne room, where the Crystal Ball is resting on a pillow.)

(Aphrodite waves her hand, and the black Crystal Ball is suddenly clear.)

EROS- Psyche. Psyche!

(A woman inside the ball looks up. She has been crying.)

PSYCHE- Eros! (She runs to the edge of the Crystal Ball.)

(Eros reaches out to touch the side of the Crystal Ball. Aphrodite waves her hand and it is dark inside.)

APHRODITE- You see with your eyes. Not with your hands.

EROS- Please, Mom. I promise I’ll-

APHRODITE- Next month.

EROS- But-

APHRODITE- Next month. (She walks away.)

. . .

(Tabby, Ami, Cherry, Mary, Miranda, and Charu are in choir.)

MRS. STEWART- You must have a tape! Bring a tape! Someday, you’ll be glad you have it.

(No one is paying attention [Miranda is writing in a big, green notebook with a red pen!].)

MRS. STEWART- Are you girls paying attention?!

(The bell rings.)

MRS. STEWART- Bring a tape! (she sighs.) You can go.

(Tabby + friends take a while to leave. Eliott + Chad come in. Eliott makes a face.)

ELIOTT- You’re missing T.V. for this?!

(Miranda jumps up and tries to push him out the door.)

MIRANDA- Yes, we are. Go away!

TABBY- Miranda! What are you doing?!

MIRANDA- I’m...I’m just...uh...I’ll stop.

CHERRY- Is there still a huge crowd out there?

CHAD- Yeah. I’ve never seen so many scantily clad girls in one place before. (eager)

ELIOTT- They’re going to have the winners perform at the rally next week.

MIRANDA- Oh, yeah. That really makes me want to go. Whores ‘n’ barrel races. (all that said sarcastically.)

MIRANDA- (serious) Really! They don’t give us any credit. Just how easily amused do they think we are?!?

CHAD- Hey, look! That leaf on that tree is about to fall off!

(They all crowd the window to watch.)

MARY- And there it goes!

ALL- Yay!! Woo! (Various cheers)

. . .

(Hathor has a bunch of photographs she is showing to Aphrodite. Aphrodite appears to be in deep thought.)

HATHOR- Here you go. Make your choice.

APHRODITE- (muttering) looks too smart...too small...too conservative...too male...ah! I like these 5! (they look like the evil Spice Girls.)

HATHOR- Okay. Y’know, there are more pictures on their way...

APHRODITE- Notify these 5 of their acceptance.

HATHOR- Yes, your Majesty.

(Aphrodite leaves that room and walks into another. Eros is in this room, along with 4 of the Muses.) (Eros is sulking.)

APHRODITE- Quit moping around. Are the Muses’ songs done yet?

EROS- Almost. Um, Mom?

(Aphrodite is about to leave, but stops.)


EROS- Can I see her again?

CALLIOPE- Come on, Aphrodite.

EUTERPE- What harm can it do?

APHRODITE- Tomorrow. You can see her again tomorrow.

EROS- (eager + happy) Really?!?

APHRODITE- Yes, but only because I respect the opinions of these four songwriting Muses so.

(Aphrodite exits)

EROS- Oh! How can I ever repay you??

CLIO- Don’t mention it.

ERATO- Your mother is horrible for keeping Psyche imprisoned for no crime but being more beautiful than she.

EUTERPE- It must be horrible for you, Eros.

CALLIOPE- Why don’t you stand up to your mother?

CLIO- Yeah. Don’t let her push you around.

EROS- I can’t. After Dadoo was thrown into the Abyss, I helped her put her life back together. If I were to rise against her, the Fates know what would happen.

(he walks away)

CLIO- Poor guy.

. . .

(Mr. Clarke spontaneously pops up.)

CLARKE- Contrary to popular belief, I’m not dead.

(he leaves)

. . .

(Hathor is calling the chosen Sluts.)

HATHOR- Hello? Is this Selma Green?


HATHOR- Also known as Shoey Sugar?

SHOEY- Yes! Did I-

HATHOR- You got in!


HATHOR- Show up at 4:00 pm tomorrow at the address on your audition packet. See you!

(She hangs up; calls another)

HATHOR- Hello? Is this Selma Zabouski?


HATHOR- Also known as Simple Sugar?


. . .

(The next day. Hathor is dressed as Annabel Athor Maples. The Sugar Girls have just arrived.)

HATHOR- (As AAM*) Good. You’re all here. You have all been chosen to be on the Sugar Girls “team.” I like to think of myself as the captain. And...(she sees that their attention is straying) I’ll introduce you all. We have: Shoey Sugar (raises hand); Simple Sugar (raises hand); Ditzy Sugar (raises hand); Slutty Sugar (raises hand); and Cheap Sugar (raises hand).

HATHOR- (As AAM*) We will be making our debut-

DITZY- What’s a debut?

HATHOR- * -our first performance- is at the high school.

CHEAP- What’s a performance?

HATHOR- * -our first job-

SLUTTY- What’s a job?

HATHOR- * -a- what you do for a living!!

SHOEY- You mean wear tight clothes on a Saturday night and look for sailors?

DITZY- We’re going to do that?

HATHOR- * Prostitution?!?! No!!!

SIMPLE- Is that like topless dancing?

HATHOR- * No, No, NO!! You are going to sing, clothed, on a stage!

CHEAP- Can we be scantily clad?

HATHOR- * Sure, as long as no reproductive or mammary glands are hanging out. Any questions?

SLUTTY- Yeah. If people throw money at us, can we keep it?

HATHOR- * Sure. Why not? Here. Learn this song.

HATHOR- (Murmuring) I’m not getting paid enough for this.

. . .

(At Aphrodite’s palace; with Aphrodite, 5 Muses, + Hathor)

HATHOR- ...and they’re all so stupid!

APHRODITE- Good. That way, they won’t catch on. Now, I made a few slight changes to the original song that the other Muses wrote.

HATHOR- Changes?

APHRODITE- The first song was too classical; too intelligent sounding.

HATHOR- So you changed-?

APHRODITE- Just the tune and the lyrics.

HATHOR- (Disgruntled) O-kay. Lets hear it.

(Someone, somewhere, starts music.)

URANIA- (singing) If you- what is that word???

APHRODITE- Huh? Oh. (she looks) “Wannabe.”

URANIA- What? Is that a real word?

APHRODITE- Well, it’s not so much a “word”, its...slang...for “want to be.”

URANIA- There isn’t even a “T” in it! And what do you know about slang on Earth??

APHRODITE- Just sing the song, okay?

URANIA- (singing again) If you (ahem) “wannabe” my boyfriend-

POLYHYMNIA- (also singing) You gotta know just what to buy me- wait. Stop. (music stops) Just what is this mindless drivel you have us singing?!?

APHRODITE- Its how the kids today speak. This song is about the materialistic side of the young people of Earth.

THALIA- Um, can we just skip ahead to the next song? I think this one is so mindless that it’s breaking my brain.

HATHOR- Yes. Lets.

(They all turn the pages in their music books)

MELPOMENE- Hey! This is the exact same song!

THALIA- The words are just different!

APHRODITE- Just sing the song, okay?

(Someone, starts music)

TERPSICHORE-(sings) If you (ahem) “wanna” look like us-

THALIA- (sings) You “gotta” be anorexic...Hey!

(And so it goes, on into the night.)

. . .

(Its later, at the Rally from Hades.)

MIRANDA- They have us herded in here like cattle, don’t they?


TABBY- It does seem like a big waste of time, doesn’t it?

MARY- Hey- It’s better than class.

CHAD- No, it isn’t.

CHARU- You preservatory harpies! Silence! Cherry’s trying to draw.

CHERRY- I’m fine.

(The principal, Principal Sleator, is trying to silence to crowd.)

PRINICIPAL- Children, Children! Don’t make me flick the lights of and off! (talking dies down.) We have special guests with us today. Say hello to...the Sugar Girls!

(The Sugar Girls go up on a stage and start singing into dead microphones.)

(She backstage: Hathor [as AAM] is backstage, playing a tape of the Muses.)

MIRANDA- (to Cherry) This is terrible.

CHERRY- I wish I was anywhere but here.

TABBY- (to Miranda + Cherry) I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much collagen in one place in my life! And my mother is a washed-up model!

(Chad looks around and sees that the rest of the school is in a trance-like state.)

CHAD- Everyone else looks...hypnotized!

MARY- That’s really creepy.

MIRANDA- Listen to those lyrics!

SUGAR GIRLS- (“singing”) We’re anorexic, and you should be too...If you starve yourself, you’ll be okay...

TABBY- What kind of message are they trying to get across??

CHERRY- It can’t possibly be good.

. . .

(Tabby is at home, talking to Chad on the phone.)

TABBY- And on the way home in the car, I must’ve heard those awful “Sugar Girl” songs about a million times!

CHAD- Yeah, I know what you mean. I wanted to throw the radio out the window.

(Marcus + Benjerman come up out of the basement/laboratory)

MARCUS- Tabby? We have a problem.

TABBY- Chad, I’m going to have to call you back. Marcus has a problem.

CHAD- Well, I could have told you that. (Tabby laughs) Okay. Bye.

(Tabby hangs up and faces Marcus + Benjerman)

TABBY- What is it? Whats wrong?

MARCUS- Well, we did some tests at the Academy...

BENJERMAN- And y’know that Sugar Girls band that’s been all over the radio today?


MARCUS- We ran some routine voice analysis tests on the people who requested their songs.

BENJERMAN- They were all in a trance-like state!

TABBY- You mean, you think the people were hypnotized?

BENJERMAN- Well, sort of. We played some of the songs backwards-

MARCUS- Using precautionary measures, of course-

BENJERMAN- -and we found-

MARCUS- -indistinguishable to the human ear-

BENJERMAN- -a female voice saying, “This is Aphrodite. Listen to this album 20 times a day,” over and over.

TABBY- A subliminal message!

MARCUS- Yes! But who is Aphrodite?

BENJERMAN- The Greek goddess of love and beauty. It must really be some crazy lady going by that name, huh?

TABBY- Maybe a little of both.

. . .

(Tabby is in the Great Caves, talking to Artemis + Oi-ya.)

TABBY- -so my brother, Marcus, did some tests at his school for geniuses. He found this- (Tabby plays the tape of subliminal message) -in every song!

OI-YA- This is a really bad thing. It’s a good thing you brought this to our attention. We probably wouldn’t have noticed it.

ARTEMIS- Yes, but what should we do about it?

(From the next room, we hear...)

CHAD- I win!


MILO- I knew you could do it!

APOLLO- You got lucky. Next time...

(Artemis calls...)

ARTEMIS- Chad! Apollo! Put away that challenging game of dominoes! We have more pressing matters to attend to.

(The others walk in)

APOLLO- What? What is so important that you would call me away from a challenging game of dominoes?

ARTEMIS- Tabby’s brother has found a subliminal message from Aphrodite hidden in the Sugar Girls’ songs.

(she plays message.)

CHAD- (in a trance) I will listen to that album 20 times a day...I will-

(Tabby smacks him in the back on the head)

CHAD- Thanks. I needed that.

MILO- Tabitha, how did your brother find this out? Is he a brilliant scientist?

SOCRATES- This can’t be the same brother who called Milo an “excellent specimen of reptilian DNA”! That brother is 10 years old!

MILO- It isn’t, is it??

TABBY- I’m sorry to say, but yes. He’s a science genius. He and his friend Benjerman did the experiment at their school, The Spirit Lake Science Academy for Prodigies.

SOCRATES- That’s creepy.

TABBY- I know. But he only knows science + math. If you asked him what a “pronoun” was-

CHAD- Tabby, you’re babbling.

TABBY- Sorry.

APOLLO- What do you think she’s going to do?

OI-YA- She’ll probably thoroughly hypnotize the townspeople, leaving them open for conquest.

TABBY- What’ll happen after that, Oi-ya?

OI-YA- I dunno.

APOLLO- What can we do to stop this?

SOCRATES- We can’t count on help from the Dark Side, like the time we found out about Tabby’s true feelings about-

(Everyone [Tabby, Oi-ya, Milo, Apollo + Artemis] glares at him.)


SOCRATES- -uh, calamari.

CHAD- Your true feelings about calamari? Isn’t that squid?

TABBY- Never mind.

. . .

(It is about a week later. There are 4 radio stations in Spirit Falls, they have changed their names to: KSGR, KSUG, KGAR, + KSHG.)

(Aphrodite’s perspective-)

APHRODITE- Perfect. My plan is progressing quite well. Hathor?!

(She steps up out of a line consisting of herself, Eros, + Eliott.)


APHRODITE- You almost have the whole city of Spirit Falls in your grasp! I might have to subtract time from your sentence for this!

HATHOR- Why, thank-you, your majesty! I-I don’t now what to say...

APHRODITE- Then don’t say anything. Now, for phase two of my plan...

ELIOTT- What is it, you “Competency”? (he looks at Hathor, they both laugh to themselves)

APHRODITE- We hold a free outdoor concert in the park. The whole town comes. And we give them a new subliminal message-

(Aphrodite plays message)

MESSAGE- This is Aphrodite. You are now in my control. I am to be Queen of Earth. Make it so.

HATHOR- Ah...but, your Queenship! To insert that message into an already recorded song would mean hours of haggling with the Muses!

ELIOTT- You remember how upset they got during the first recording session!

EROS- Thalia hit you over the head with a chair, remember?

APHRODITE- Yes. That was a pain that lingered. (She rubs head.) But no matter. For I have...a new song! (Hathor rolls her eyes.)

. . .

(In another room of the castle, a while later. Eros is sitting in front of a window, gazing out at the gardens. Hator enters the room and looks around. She sees Eros and walks over to him.)

HATHOR- What’s wrong?

EROS- I was, just...thinking about her. (Hathor nods) You know, the whole thing is just so- Sometimes the world seems to be so cold...and unforgiving...It can be a terrible place.

HATHOR- (Stares at him for a long while) Yeah.

. . .

(It’s at school, the next day or something.)

MIRANDA- (holds up report card) It’s not fair!! How come Eliott got a higher P.E. grade than me?!? I’ll tell you!! Eliott is a boy!! The teacher favors boys!! It’s all politics!!!

CHAD- Then how come I got the same grade as you, and Tabby got the same grade as Eliott?

(Miranda thinks for a minute.)

MIRANDA- It’s all politics!!!

ELIOTT- Nice try, Chad. Miranda just can’t stand the thought that now we have proof that I’m better than her at something.

(Miranda turns red with anger, but shuts up)

AMI- Would you look at that?

TABBY- What?

AMI- The Sugar Girls are giving a free concert in the park this weekend. That’s kinda stupid, considering that they’re the most popular whores-I mean band-in the city. They could charge about a hundred dollars a ticket if they wanted. I think that those tight, slutty clothes must be cutting the circulation to their nonexistent brains.

TABBY- Y’know, my brother was watching one of their videos-

CHERRY- Really?!! Hee hee hee!!

TABBY- He said it was “purely for scientific reasons”.

MARY- Hee hee! Of course.

TABBY- -and he saw that their lip movements do not correspond with their voices.

AMI- You mean-

TABBY- They’re not the ones singing.

. . .

(It’s a while later + Eliott is “alone”)

RYOKO- So, when are you going to tell her???

ELIOTT- What?!?

RYOKO- Tell Aphrodite that the Lunarian knows about the Sugar Girls.

ELIOTT- Oh. Well...

RYOKO- Because if you didn’t tell her, I would. And Aphrodite would be forced to do something unpleasant to you then. And then no one’s happy, Eliott. Especially not you.

. . .

(Eliott is on Venus, reporting his finding to Aphrodite.)

ELIOTT- Tab-the Lunarian, I mean-has figured out the Sugar Girls’ secret.

APHRODITE- That they can’t really sing??

ELIOTT- That’s the one.

APHRODITE- Curses. I thought I had those ninnies down there completely fooled.

HATHOR- So, what are we going to do???

APHRODITE- Hathor, we’re going along with the plan. But we’re adding a new twist.

EROS- And that is...?

APHRODITE- We’re increasing security. No one will be able to get in without us knowing. Including Solar and the Lunarian.

. . .

TABBY- We’ve got to think of a plan, Chad!

CHAD- I know, I know! But we can’t think up a plan at the drop of a hat!

TABBY- I know what to do! We’ll ask Oi-ya! She always thinks of something!

(a while later)

TABBY- What do you mean, you don’t know what to do?!!

OI-YA- Just that!

CHAD- You have to help us, Oi-ya! We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!

TABBY- But you always think of something! So...

SOCRATES- I have an idea.

TABBY- Shh, Socrates. Oi-ya’s thinking.

SOCRATES- If you replaced the tape Hathor plays in the stereo with something else, wouldn’t the hypnotic message be erased??

CHAD- Oi-ya! That’s brilliant!!!

SOCRATES- But I was the one who-

TABBY- Oi-ya to the rescue again!

CHAD- Let’s go tell Apollo + Artemis!

(As they run out the door, Socrates puts his head under his wing.)

OI-YA- Hee hee hee....

. . .

(It is now the day of the concert. In the park, there is a large crowd.)

CHAD- Do you have the tape??

TABBY- Of course. Are you sure you want to keep Hathor distracted??

CHAD- Sure...Solar can handle things.

TABBY- Since when do you refer to yourself in the third person?

CHAD- Tabby, I owe you. You saved me.

(They go their separate ways)

TABBY- (turns + yells back) Chad, you don’t owe me anything!

TABBY- (thinks) I love you.

(Chad hangs back a moment, as if he has heard her thoughts.)

. . .

(Eros comes running up to Hathor, who is disguised as AAM.)

EROS- We lost them!

HATHOR- What?!?

EROS- They split up. They’re harder to track that way, but they’re here.

HATHOR- I’ll be on my guard. By the way...when will Psyche be set free??

EROS- Not for a long time.

(While they talk Tabby [as the Lunarian] places a different tape in the tape deck and runs off.)

HATHOR- Wait. I think I heard something. Over there.

(Chad appears)

CHAD- (thinks) I have to keep Hathor from discovering that tape!

(Chad, as Solar, leaps up from behind some boxes.)

CHAD- You mean...over here?!?

(They fight for a while, and it looks kewl. Chad appears to be losing.)

(A taped announcement plays)

ANNOUNCER- And now...the Sugar Girls!!!

(The audience cheers.)

(The switched tape starts to play. We hear Mrs. Stewart’s voice...)

MRS. STEWART- Okay. Alto part for “Never is a Dream.”

(single piano notes play.)

MRS. STEWART- Here’s the Soprano Two part...

AUDIENCE MEMBER 1- Hey! What’s going one???

(Like idiots, the Sugar Girls are mouthing the words to their songs)

AUDIENCE MEMBER 2- This is all a sham!!!

RIOT STARTER- Let’s trash the place!!!

ALL- Yeah! (a riot breaks out.)


HATHOR- Nooooo! I’ve failed again!!!

EROS- Uh oh. Do you hear that???

(A stampede of people come bursting backstage)

RIOT STARTER- You can’t claim the reward unless you have 51% of the manager’s carcass!!

HATHOR- Uh oh. Eros, time for us to leave.

(They vanish.) (Chad does too.)

. . .

(Tabby and Chad are walking home amongst the debris from the riot.)

TABBY- Well, how ‘bout that! I finally used my choir tape!

. . .

(Tabby is sitting in a chair, holding this issue of the comic. Chad is standing behind her.)

TABBY- Some of you may have been confused, even frightened, by the presence of the new character “Charu.”

CHAD- “Where did she come from?” “Who is she?” And “What is she doing here?” are frequently asked questions about Charu. Well, one day, Tabby went to her locker...


TABBY- La dee dah~ (she opens locker)

(Charu springs out of locker.)

CHARU- You preservial harpie!! Get thee hence!!

TABBY- Uh, who are you, and why are you in my locker?

CHARU- I’m Charu, and I have nothing better to do.

(back to Tabby + Chad)

TABBY- And that’s the story of Charu.

CHAD- I was telling the story.

TABBY- Oh, well.

CHAD- FYI, Issue #7 will be narrated by me. Don’t be alarmed.

TABBY- So long for now from the cast of Little Artemis!!
