- freaky dragon-type picture
- picture of a girl
- picture that the illustrator's little sister drew
- mythology definitions:
- Adonis
- Aphrodite
- Graces
- Daphne
- Psyche
- Muses
- picture of Tabby drawn by Dylin
- crazy looking bug
- Lynn playing the piano
- Cheryl's pictures of:
- Amy, Marisa, Cherise, and herself
- the name Cheryl in pencil
- a one page rough draft of the comic
- "Raiden" note sheet possibly for a video game
- Super Sailormoon with a tail drawn by Cheryl
- the name Cheryl in pencil, again
- a picture of Tabby's mom
- Kerena's pager number, and various notes
- car scene rough draft
- overdue notice from school library
- a whole issue written with a different color red
- two happy faces
- a signature
- another happy face
- work for math
- the words "incoming freshmen"
- Monkey Girl's presence; here, there, and there.
- orange choir agreement sheet
- three backings for the school choir's '96 CD
- psychology notes on intelligence
- Antimasonary notes
- The new *Valtentine Massacre plans *(Yes, Valentine is spelt wrong, but that's the way it's written on the plans)
- The Adventures of Ovary Boy!
- packet on mood and meaning
- another CD backing
- geometry notes
- vocabulary and more mythology notes
- "How the Constellations got their names" paper
- mythology definitions:
- Cassandra
- "Greg is fine! By: Stupid Cow Trista"
- happy face
- note saying: "Dear Lynn, Holly found the tape! It was in her brother's room!"
- a doodle of a girl with heart-shaped eyes with the statement: "look at the cute little hearts!"
- happy face
- happy face
- happy face
- "Hello! I smell minty!"
- happy face
- "why are these people here?"
- various spellings of schmutz:
- shmutz and schmutz
- "M. G. wuz here" and a picture
- two Mr. Trista pictures