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Little Valley Miniatures

Despite promises to change these to humane buildings,

Even after forming a task force to change this building to a
humane holding shelter, all recomondations of the task force
including free labor, design, and product Rabies Control has
decided to open, as is.  This awful place to Dump unwanted
pets!  We went into the meeting expecting for the approved
plans go be put underway immediately. Much to our surprize as
soon as cameras left,  a motion was made to reopen as is
while they talk some more about a remodel.

As they stand now, they are not acceptable to any standards. Floors
not sealed, dogs, cats, and what ever can be put in the same bin, 
despite signs. WHICH WE HAVE SEEN HAPPEN.  There is no heat,
or drainage to the building. Feces, and what ever is just sprayed
into the ground.   Health issue?   I think
so.   Animal abandonment is against the law in Tennessee.
What would you call this?   The HSUS wanted this building
changed 2 years ago!

We were told the board would go along with task force recommendations.
A licenced, bonded, contractor has offered to
do the remodel free labor, and a minimum of cost for supplies. That
was how it was supposed to turn out last night!   Instead,
it was like a hit in the gut after all the hard work and dedication
put into this.   We acually thought we'd have people working
together!  What a joke that was. May I please add that Smyrnas'
Mayor was trying to help us all the way.   He is as surprised
as we are about all this. 

Water and food is frozen right now , and has been for the past 3 days,
what chance do the animals have to drink and eat?   They are
shivering, the temperature at the bottom is 23 degrees! Reopened as
is!! We are asking for everyones help once again. We almost made it
this time. We can't give up now! PLEASE  write letters so we can
forward them on to the proper parties.
Cindy Hancock
Billie Danford
Nicole Hilare

Guess is was nieve to think we'd all work together on this in the
first place. REMEMBER- -- all work to remodel was going to be
free, and materials at a minimum.
If people would spay and neuter we wouldn't
have to even have this DUMP BOX as an issue.   Lets at
least get it turned into a humane holding temporary shelter,  not
a DUMP BOX! We are asking you to write to us so the letters can all be
channeled to the right people. This has been a
real slap in the face for Animal welfare
It's like The Rabies Control Board is making an ego game out of this,
ego coming before the animals. The temp has been 23 degrees, not 43
as told by AC they took the temp at the heat lamp at the top.
Water on the bottom is frozen solid and animals are
shivering from cold temps!! THANKS FOR YOUR

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