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Walt Disney\EnchantedForest\Glade\4003\wdbio.html

        "The creator of Mickey Mouse and founder of Disneyland and Walt Disneyland theme park grew up in Chicago, Illinois on December 5,1901." His father's name was Elias Disney and his mother's name was Flora Call Disney. He was one of five kids. Five boys, one girl. As he grew up he sold his sketches to the neighborhood kids. Latter on in his life he attended school in Chicago McKinley High school. Their he put is attention to drawing and photograph. At night he also attended Academy of fine arts.

      During the fall of 1918 he tried to get into the Military. He was rejected because he was only 16 years of age. He then decided to spend a year over seas. He then started driving an ambulance. His ambulance was covered in drawings and cartoons.

    Walt then returned to Kansas City after the war. This is where he started his career in advertising cartoons.

     In august of 1923 Walt left Kansas for Hollywood with nothing but a few drawing materials, $40, a well worn suit, and a completed fairy tale subject. Walt had a brother named Ray O. Disney who was already down in California. With sympathy, encouragement, and don't forget $250 they pooled their resources and borrowed $500 they set up a shop in their uncles garage. Soon after that they received an order from the New York for the first "Alice in Cartoonland feature." The brothers decided then to expand their production to the rear of a Hollywood real estate office.

    Walt latter on married one of his first employees Lillian bound in Lewiston Ohio. They were married on July 13th 1925. They then had two daughters named Diane and Sharon. Both married and had several children of their own.

    "Latter in 1928 Mickey Mouse was created. Mickey Mouse was first seen in a silent cartoon titled "Plane Crazy." But right before it was released sound had hit motion picture.' Then Mickey was featured in "Steam boat Willie." The world first sound cartoon. It was premiered at the Colony Theater in New York on November 18th, 1928.

    Walt's animation was becoming endless. Technicolor was introduced to animation during the production of "Silly Symphonies." "Flowers and Trees won one of Walt's first 48 Academy awards."

    "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the first full length animated musical feature. It was shown on December 21st. It premiered at the Carthay Circle Theater in Los Angeles. The cost of the movie turned out to be $2 million dollars. The film Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs is still a great motion picture. Then during the next five years Walt created a classic full length animated such as "Pinocchio", "Fantasia", "Dumbo" and "Bambi."

     Disney's 1945 featured the musical "The Three Caballeros combined with live action with the cartoon medium. "He made other successful films like "Song of the South" and the highly acclaimed "Mary Poppins.""

    Disneyland launched in 1955. It was a fabulous $17 million magic kingdom. It soon increased its investments and by the second decade, "more than 100 million people including Presidents, Kings and Queens, and Royalty went there. People from all over the globe went there."

    Disney had put on the first production "to first present full-color programming in 1961. With the "Wonderful World of color."" "The Mickey Mouse Club" was another favorite in the 1950's.

    But this was only the beginning, in 1965 Walt Disney turned his attention to a problem of improving the quality of urban life in America. He decided to personally direct a design of an experimental type of community of tomorrow. He planned a living showcase for the creativity of American Industry.

    A quote Disney had addressed was ""I don't believe there is a challenge anywhere in the world that is more important to the people everywhere than finding the solutions to the problem of our cities. But where do we begin? Well, we're convinced we must start with the public needs. And the need is not just for curing the old ills of old cities. We think the need is for starting from scratch on Virgin Land and building a community that will become a prototype for the future.""

   "Than Walt Disney purchased a 43 square miles of Virgin Land (twice the size of Manhattan Island.) In the center State of Florida." He planned a whole new Disney world entertainment. It would includnew amusement park, motel-hotel resort, vacation center and a complex future airport and his experimental community of tomorrow. After seven years of preparing and 52 months of actual construction, it was planned to open October 1st 1971.

   Walt sadly passed away on December 15th 1966. Walt Disney did take deep interest in the establishment of the California institute of the arts, a college level profession school of all the creative and performing arts. Walt once said ""It's the principal thing I hope to leave when I move on to the greener pastures. If I can help provide a place of develop, the talent of the future, I think I will have accomplished something.""

    "California institute of the art was founded in 1961. There were two schools The Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and The Chovinard Art Institute. Walt Disney wanted the new schools to be a place where all the performing and creative arts would all be taught under one roof."

    Walt Disney was a legend, a folk hero of the 20th century. His popularity was based upon the ideas which his name represents imagination, and self made success in the American Tradition. Walt Disney did a lot more than touch hearts, minds and emotions of millions than any other man did in the past century. He brought joy, happiness and a universal communication to the people of every nation. Our world shall know one and the only Walt Disney.


Walt Disney
You will find many amazing pictures of Walt Disney.

Walt Disney Biography
In this web site you will find a short but good biography of Wal tdisney.

Walt Disney
You will find avery good descrition on how Wal Disney's life was.