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Jim Carrey


    In my opinion, Jim Carrey is an entrepreneur. He inspires so many to do what they believe in, no matter how poor, or how tough you have it, he still believes if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. Jim Carrey has brightened our seemingly dismal world with his wacky sense of humor.

    James Eugene Carrey (nicknamed the stringbean in school) was born on January 17, 1962 in Newmarket, Ontario ( a suburb of Toronto). He was the youngest of four children, and growing up, his family had it rough. Carrey's father, Percy, and mother Kathleen had to support their children on a very tight budget. Yet Carrey had found a way to break out of the slum. He found he had the gift of laughter. In school, even his teachers recognized his talent and gave him 15 minutes at the end of each class to do an act.

    When Carrey was 14 years old, things took a turn for the worst. His father lost his job, and the family had to move to Scarborough. Also, the whole family took jobs as janitors and security at Titan wheels Factory. As Carrey juggled school and work, his straight A average plummeted to D's and F's. Eventually, Carrey abandoned all hope of proper schooling and dropped out. Soon afterwards, the family moved into a VW Van and stayed wherever they could afford, whether it be in the backyard of a relatives or a campsite.

    The first time Carrey ever got on stage was at a comedy club called Yuk Yuk's in Toronto. Dressed in a yellow polyester suit, and with his odd sense of humor, he was booed off the stage. But still he pushed forward, working the comedy circuit in LA. He caught the eye of Rodney Dangerfield and was soon put on his comedy tour. But Carrey's big break came in 1990, when he landed a role on the late night television show "In Living Color", playing the role of 'Fire Marshall Bill', who was always catching on fire. The role was controversial, and it put Carrey's name in headlines for the first time. Four years later, in 1994, Carrey landed his first major role on the silver screen in Ace Ventura; Pet Detective, and continued with such roles in The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, all in the same year. Soon after the movie Ace Ventura; Pet Detective, Carrey went through a messy divorce with his wife, Melissa Womer, with whom he has a daughter Jane. He met Melissa, then a waitress, while he was working the comedy club circuit. Almost directly after the break up, Carrey hooked up with and wed Dumb and Dumber co-star Lauren Holly. They too have since divorced.

    In my opinion, I think Carrey is a truly funny and positive guy who could make Satan himself giddy with laughter. I mean, who else could wear only an enlarged fig leaf to the MTV Movie Awards and not be called a freak? I think that Carrey is a great guy who really inspires people to do what they believe in. Soon, he will be receiving a star on the 'Hollywood Walk of Fame', and with three new movies in production, he deserves it. In my opinion, Jim Carrey is an entrepreneur.

For more information please visit:

Jim Carrey World - read an informational biography, plus a few pictures

Mr.Showbiz - many pictures and quotes, plus a few biographies and stories

Jim Carrey Museum - A'shrine' for Jim Carrey with information, sounds and pictures