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The Life and Times of Pablo Picasso

Does the name Pablo Picasso mean anything to you? Well it did to 20th century art. Picasso, son of José and Maria, was famous for his talent in modern art, painting, and using women until there was nothing left to use in their young innocent hearts, or until he was board with them. His life was definitely an adventure and was never lived or will be live in quite the same way…

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born October 25, 1881 in Malaga, southern Spain. His father José Ruiz Blasco was also a painter, but never had or wanted the same style as Pablo. In fact his father once said that he was ashamed and disappointed in Pablo and that he should be painting classy and religious paintings that were more representational in style and were in good taste. But Picasso would not even think of changing his ways, he was born with great talent!

As a child, Pablo was very interested in art. It was a way to escape from problems and responsibilities, and that is where Pablo got into trouble. When Pablo was 14, he completed the one-month qualifying exam in one day at the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona. In 1900 Picasso travels to Paris for the first time with his good friend Casagemas. Picasso had what were called "color periods"; his first was the " Blue Period". This period was triggered by the story of Casagemas. Casagemas was madly in love with a young woman, Germain, which he had met on a double date with Picasso. Germain and Casagemas lived together in his art studio for many months. Finally Casagemas asked Germain to be his wife, but sadly she refused. This caused Casagemas into a state of depression. Then one night, it happened, Casagemas committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. After Picasso had heard the news he went immediately to "comfort" Germain. He comforted her a bit too well I might add; in fact he slept with her right in Casagemas' studio. Yet, Picasso was so filled with grief that he obsessed about the dead Casagmas. In turn, Picasso's " Blue Period " all began from his first paining of Casagamas' deathly figure.

Picasso had many different styles, but his most famous had to be "cubism"1, which was also developed with Georges Braque. This style was a nonrepresentational form of painting and sculpture, characterized by the reduction of fragmentation into abstract, geometric pieces of art. He also experimented with surrealism and impressionism.

One of his most famous paintings was titled "Guernica" which he

In 1918, Picasso married the Russian ballet dancer, Olga Koklova on July 12th. Three years later their first child, Paolo, was born. Sadly in 1932, Picasso decided that one woman is not enough, and has an affair with Marie-Therese Walter, a young Swiss woman. One year later he is divorced from Olga. Again, Marie-Therese was not enough so he married Dora Maar in 1937 and his daughter Maya is born.

Suddenly as his relation ship with Dora was into full swing, Picasso met another young lady, Francois Gilot in 1946. One year later their son Claude was born, in 1949 their daughter Paloma (meaning DOVE in Spanish) was born. In 1953 he separated with Francois. Then his wife Dora dies and he associates with Jacqueline Roque. They were married on March 2nd, 1961.

Picasso's life came to a stop when old age and health walked in causing Picasso to pass on at the age of 92 on April 8th 1973. He will always be remembered as one of the greatest artists of all time, and shall live on in artists and admirers throughout the world.

For More Information...

Biography of Picasso-on this site you will find more information on Picasso's life

NOTHINBUTPRINTS: Picasso-on this site you will find many of Pablo Picasso's art prints

Bienvenue sur le Web de Picasso-on this site you will find Picasso's web page, all about Picasso