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Dachelle(Shelley)...14 yrs old

Dachelle is the musical talent of the family,
She plays flute in the marching band and on
occasion accompanies our choir director(who plays
a violin) before Sunday morning service.
She is going to be a veteranarian.She attends
vet assistant classes now at school and next year,
her junior year she will already be qualified
to apply for that position. She is currently
raising a beautiful Dwarf Hotop(rabbit) which
is part of qualifying for a scholarship
through FFA.

Daylina(Day)......16 yrs Old

Daylina is my classic "overachiever" starting from an
early age, Daylina has tested way above her levels in
Reading and writing,and its finally paying off.
In her freshman year she joined the HS newpaper.
Daylina had found her niche, by her sophmore
year she was the opinion editor and had her very
own opinion column,LOL a teenagers dream.
Now this summer she applied for a slot in a
special program supported by the Poynter Institute,
which is a facility that continuously
educates and provides workshops for todays up and coming journalists,
the Institute also owns the St Petersburg Times in St Pete Florida.
If that werent enough on her plate,
Daylina also applied for and was accepted to write
a monthly opinion column for our own Tampa Tribune.
700 people of various ages and backgrounds applied,
16 adults and 6 teenagers were chosen. Next year,
her junior year, Daylina becomes the managing editor of her
School newspaper and has already outlined an 8 page report on the
changes she plans on making...LOL thats my girl!

Alese(Esey)13 yrs old

My bright,life loving enthusiast!
She lights up every room she walks into:-)
Alese has cerabral Palsey...but it doesnt
slow her down at all!! She makes great grades
in school and shes in 6th grade.
Alese Changes her mind about
what she wants to do with her future every
other day..LOL..all she really knows at this point is that she wants to spend time with Mark
her new boyfriend,what a cutie he is!!
..and he adores our can you NOT like the kid??..LOL

Bethany.(Beth,Bethy,chicken,lil bit)10 Yrs old

*sigh* my Baby..Bethany is a character!!
shes sneaky,cunning,to smart for her own
good at times *LOL* She keeps me on my toes!!
Bethany makes great grades too!!She loves
school and makes friends EVERYWHERE SHE GOES!!
Bethany's future aspirations change from week
to week.....shes wanted to be a singer,writer,
nurse,vet,teacher,and therapist and a Marine Biologist.
This one is going to put all the things ive learned
as a Mother to good use. God gave me 3 to practice
on to get ready for Bethany..LOL
Being the Baby of the clan doesnt mean Beth
cracks under sibling tyrancy...oh no
making this little firecracker mad will get you
tacks in your bed,toothpaste in your perfume or any other
very well thot out puishments...LOL
You've got to love her creativity!!!....God Help Us All...LMAO!!!

AM I A LUCKY MOTHER OR WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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