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What's Coming Up

Hi and welcome to my Coming Up page where I inform you on what I plan to add to my page considering that I don't always do so on my updates page, I decided to make my own page on what's coming up on my page! I already know I said that, 'm I bad! Anyhow, on with the show!

January 12, 2000-
K! Now, what I want to do is to get up some AVIs and picture galleries as well as a super-deformed page up here. Well, to do that, I need to get another Angelfire page and connect it to this one. Wow! My page keeps expanding! I hope to win some awards soon so that I can make awards I won page. That may take a while, as my page isn't very popular yet. However, I am also planning on doing a non-anime RPG. :) We'll have to use our imaginations! Scary, huh? You may have noticed that I redid my main page, and I like it now! It's pretty... Okay, anyhow, I am also going to add some episodes. This isn't going to be EXTREMELY soon, as I have to make them zip files and upload them and make sure you can download them... Then, to top it off, sign up for another angelfire page and continue this! I know, a webmisstress's work is never done. You can who relate, join the club! Speaking of clubs, I'm starting an on-line club! Yay! Also, I may start a campaign, I'm not sure. So, I've got much work to accomplis. Oh, like the new kawaii pic at the top? :)