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Konnechiwah! Arigato! Here I am, trying to teach you some Japanese words! I do have a Japanese dictionary to make sure my meanings and spellings are correct. Again, I want you to e-mail me with any words you want in this, but they will not be profanic or any bad words. I shall not comply to those as this is a child oriented page! Anyhow, here goes! Oh, right, this is under MAJOR construction! Right, we would like to say thank you for trying to learn the scout's native langauge before the whole dub thing!

Chan- friend (as called with a name ex:Alexa Chan used with kids)
Kai- friend (actually used in a sentence not with a name)
Konnechiwah- good afternoon
Gome ne sai- I'm sorry
Kusa- grass
Tsuki- moon (Wonder no more when Usagi gets her last name!)
Oto- sound
Kuko- airport
Junigatsu- December
Te- hand
Kibo- hope
Doresu- dress
Wain- wine
Hi- fire
Minami- south
Wuru- wool
Ai- love (Look! It's what Sammy fights for!)
Fuyu- winter
Deguchi- exit (in noun form)
Horensu- spinach (sounds like horrid, so true!)
Mokuyobi- Thursday
Aisukurimu- ice cream
Yama- mountain
Gawa- side
Ranchi- lunch
Denwa- telephone
Niku- meat
Ringo- apple
Pan- bread (kinda a coinsidense look at it)
Handobaggu- handbag/purse
Kanjogaki- bill (at a resteraunt)
Mise- shop
Sara- dish
Nigatsu- February
Jikan- hour