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Reasons Why I Did This Page

One of the main reasons in the path of creating this page was when I went to several sites, many not letting you take pictures and some just a big block of info on the main page, and last but not least, the ones that just say "Welcome to my page." That's it. So, I decided to make a HUGE page! One where people would keep coming back. Though my traffic isn't as great as I thought it would be, I never really tried to advertise it (besides the Moonie Choice Awards.)

I also wanted to have a wide variety. I realized upon visiting that I had to go to many sites just to get some info and pix.

Then, there was the cause of sites not being updated for two years. That caused me to be dissapointed. That meant if you sent them e-mail, they'd never respond probably and nothing would ever be updated. I understand on weekdays and all, but not to update on weekends or vacations?

Okay, so those are the main ones. Then come the ones about the whole I wanted to contribute. Yes, I love SM and I decided to dedicate a site to that anime.

Well, that's pretty much it! Hope you enjoy this site as much as I enjoyed making it!