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Sailor Scouts- Fan Fiction. Part 1 Chapter One: "THE TROUBLE BEGINS!"

"Akane, princess of Jupiter will protect you!" All the scouts laughed as Kino Makoto's cute, three-year-old, future daughter played with her father Ken. "Mako Chan, you are so lucky that you know who your future family is," said Rei with a sigh.

"Destinies can change," said Ami looking at the young couple who was kissing. "However, with these two I doubt that is the case."

"You got that right," said Minako.

"Hah! I still have Mamo Chan!" As Usagi said that with a smug look on her face, she pointed her finger in the air and cackled.

The other scouts looked at her. "Usako, please do stop bragging, after all we are the ones who always save your butt!" As Rei said that she stuffed three dumplings in her mouth at once and imitated Usagi. Then, with a satisfied look she stuck her tongue out at Usagi.

Akane ran over, her hair concealed in a ponytail, as fast as she could. Then, looked over from one scout to the other, then another hugged each scout.

"Now, how about actually getting somewhere girls." Said Haruka as she looked away. "We cut class to come to this 'official' scout meeting, yet we have not even discussed one thing," inputted Haruka as she wildly waved her arms.

"She is right. However, you called me at the right time. We were about to have Phys. Ed." Hotaru smiled as she said that knowing it would come as no surprise to the scouts.

"We should hurry. I have got flute and swimming lessons after school today," inputted Michiru in a serious tone.

"Well, I think we should try and have a good meeting!" Akane smiled and tried to act as her idols, the scouts would. The scouts smiled and told Makoto how lucky she was.

Makoto blushed and inquired "Rei, have you gotten any evil fire readings in your temple lately?"

"Yes.My intuition is beginning to really sense wrong. I feel odd and wish that my readings would just reveal the demon we are to face. It is odd with all these villains lately. It used to be that our worst fear was the Negaverse. Then, the Ice Queen, Galaxia, Nehernia, and those two scientists who were trying to find the grail. All in all we have advanced in both transformations and attacks."

"Oakeovo Mamma," said Chibi Usa.

"Chibi Usa, is Mamo Chan coming soon?" asked Usagi.

"Mamma, I don't know. We were running around the school in Phys. Ed, and I told my coach that I had to go home and get my better tennis shoes. She told me that I could. And here I am. Will you call and say I am sick?" said Chibi Usa hoping that she could get out of the rest of school.

"Sure I will. Now, go and get Setsuna Sama."

"Usako, I do not believe you!" scolded Ami. "Lying for your daughter! She should go right back to school!"

"Ami Chan, no offense, but you are very strict. You tell me how to take care of my child! You can have your own and rule her life. For me, however, I don't approve! What would she tell her teacher, 'I have a Sailor Scout meeting, so may I be excused from class? 'Yeah that would really work. Next time I'd see her would be with the school psychiatrist!" said a desperate and bossy Usagi.

"I'd hate to say it, but Usagi has a point," added Rei.

"I hate… I mean really hate… to say this, but thank you Rei," replied Usagi with a grateful look.

"Heh heh! I think I just broke one of your good china plates, Makoto Chan!" said an ashamed and pitiful Usagi.

"Have another spaz attack oh great one?" laughed an amused Rei.

"Very funny, Rei. Ha ha, see me laugh," replied an exasperated and sarcastic Usagi.

"It's okay. I have the whole set. I wish you could have broken a plate from another set though, because this one was the first one I ever got. My parents gave me before they died," replied a sad Makoto.

"Oh, now I feel really bad!"

"Let's GO!" cried Haruka. "I don't want to be eighty by the time we are out of this meeting!"

"Oops, I almost forgot that I have cookies in the oven!"

"Mamo Chan! Hi, are you ready to join the never going to go anywhere meeting?" Usagi said as she greeted her boyfriend.

"I shall brace myself. Hi sweety! The reason it took me so long was because I stopped to buy you these," Momaru hands Usagi a set of diamond jewelry, which included a pair of earrings, tennis bracelet, pendant, and ring, all set in 18 carat Italian gold!

“Wow thank you Mamo Chan!" Usagi hugged and kissed him to death.

As Usagi donned the jewelry, Makoto runs into her apartment with Akane. When they returned they were in their swimsuits. All the scouts ran home to get theirs as well. As Makoto was telling Akane to put on her arm floaties, Ken grabbed Makoto from behind and threw her into the pool.

"I'll get you for that!"

Ken ran home gets on his swimsuit and cannonballed into the pool. Akane swam over and tried to dunk him.


"Sadako, I need you to end this happiness on the wimpy planet that those humans call Earth. It is such a vast insignificant place. I wish to get those scouts after they got me kicked onto this star. Also, I must get revenge for my cousin, the Ice Queen, after they killed her off."

"Your majesty, I understand what you wish me to do. I shall get on my way. I have heard much of these scouts from the amazons, Fish Eye, Hawks Eye, and Tigers Eye. They spoke greatly of their power. If I do die, I die with honor. I shall be on my way."

"Such a good girl. So full of loyalty, you are the only one that I can trust."

Sadako blasted off starting towards the planet that had danger lurking everywhere, Earth.


All the girls and guys were now in the pool splashing around without a care in the world. In their hearts they hoped it was a peaceful day, but not wanting to speak to soon, kept it to themselves.

"Michiru Chan I challenge you to a swimming race," said a confident Ami.

"Then I accept your challenge. What stroke?" answered Michiru with a smile.

"Breast stroke there, and butterfly back," replied Ami.

"Sounds good to me. Should we have our friends root for us?" inquired Michiru.

"Okay, divide up. Whoever wants to root for me- to the right, and whoever wants to root for Michiru to the left. No hard feelings anyone," said Ami.

Usagi, Chibi Usa, Momaru, Rei, and Hotatu rooted for Ami. Akane, Makoto, Haruka, Setsuna, and Minako rooted for Michiru. Ken was the umpire and judge. Both were off. The scouts were either screaming their heads off with the name Michiru or the name Ami. Both were neck and neck during the breaststroke, and both were going surprisingly smooth on the butterfly. In the end they were tied. Michiru and Ami shook hands.

"Watch out below," Makoto cannonballed into the pool, splashing both contestants.

"Wanna shower and then go shopping guys? I here they have a big sale at the jewelry store. That includes diamonds, emeralds, and tons more!" asked an excited Usagi. "Of course Mamo Chan has to buy me some diamonds!"

"But I just gave you a set earlier," defended Mamoru.

"Yeah, I know. I need the matching tiara for the prom," said Usagi.

"Fine, but this is it! I am putting my foot down," replied Mamoru.

"Isn't your foot already on the ground, Mamo Chan?"

Rei looked at her, “No, that wasn’t corny Usagi…”

"Let's go! Off to the jewelry store," said Usagi, ignoring Rei.

"You girls go. I'm not into jewelry," said Haruka.

"Okay Haruka. There is the whole rest of the mall, though. Oh yeah, they have the best arcade in town, and I hear it has a new totally cool race car driving game," said Makoto persuasively.

"Okay, I’ll go…”

At the jewelry store Makoto and Akane were awing over the emeralds, Usagi and Chibi Usa over the diamonds, Rei over the rubies, Minako over the topaz, and Ami over the sapphires. Haruka talked with Ken and Darien in the corner waiting for the others to make their selections. Setsuna was at the cash register paying for her garnet jewelry. Hotaru and Michiru were looking at the aquamarine jewelry. After, Makoto talked Ken into buying her lots of emeralds. Then Darien bought Usagi the tiara he promised her. Rei decided on a ruby ring and Ami bought a sapphire pendant with diamonds surrounding the stone. Minako went over and paid for her new tennis bracelet. Akane then talked her daddy, Ken, into buying her the emeralds that she wanted. Michiru announced that she would buy some aquamarine jewelry. Everyone left for home with their new jewelry on as happy as could be or so they thought…

Chapter 2:


"You know, we never did get anything accomplished at that meeting, Michiru," said Haruka.

"Well, I did get some nice jewelry out of it though," replied Michiru.

"I suppose. I really do wish that something significant happened," said Haruka.

"It really is quite peaceful now, don't you think," said Michiru changing the subject.

"Yes, but let's not speak too soon."

Then the two girls bumped into another girl as they turned the corner. Soon they were face to face with a stranger. Then, Haruka and Michiru stood up. Haruka crossed her arms, and Michiru helped the other girl up.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I should have watched where I was going. I am still very new in town, and can't seem to see where I am going."

You're not excused," replied Haruka.


"It's quite okay. I haven't been able to make any friends," said the disturbed girl.

"What's your name?"

"I am Sada… I mean Sandy," answered the girl.

"Nice to meet you," said Michiru.


"Hi, He, Hi, Hay, Yu, Ko, Sa, Na," chanted Rei, as she tried to get a fire reading.

"Oh no! There is a figure an evil figure. She is with Haruka and Michiru. She is trying to kill them!"

Rei saw Ami come in and told her to warn the other girls. Rei ran to North Oak Coffee and Tea Shoppe, where the readings told her the bad guy would be standing outside of.


"That must be her. I have to follow them. If anything gets bad I will transform," thought Rei.

"Now let's go to the park. It sounds like fun," said 'Sandy.'

"Okay," said Michiru as she dragged Haruka to the park.


Now, it just so happens that Makoto and Akane were walking in the park at that time. When they saw them coming they hid behind a bush and kept an eye on them.

"Mamma, who is that weird lady?"

"Akane, I have no idea. Just listen," said Makoto.

"Isn't this called eavesdropping," asked Akane.

"No, it's called curiosity. Now, please be quiet so I can hear," said Makoto.

"I give up," added Akane.

Like Makoto, Haruka was suspicious of the lady talking to them. She wanted very much to just transform, and blast this lady into orbit. However, this was vitually impossible since she wasn't sure that this lady was indeed bad.

Later, the two girls, Michiru and Haruka, dissed the weird lady. Now, Makoto was indeed sure that "Sandy" was indeed bad. The worst part was, her two friends from the Outer Senshi were in trouble. Makoto decided to shrug this off for a while at least. She had other things to worry about, such as herself and Ken.

That night, she and Akane had a sweet sleep, but what can we say for the next night's rest?

"Mommy!" cried little Akane. "Can I play with Chibi Usa?"

"Sure. I was thinking about asking if the other scouts wanted to go to the mall later in the afternoon. Would you and Chibi Usa like to come? If not, I can get a baby sitter," said Makoto as she dressed in jean shorts, an emerald green tee shirt, emerald earrings, emerald and diamond pendant, and her emerald ring.

"Can I press the buttons on the elevator?" asked Akane with hopeful eyes.

Makoto laughed, "Sure hun."


"Ohhh! Can we go into the Takiko's Bridal Dress Shop?" asked Makoto, though she was going to go in anyways.

Then, a unanimous "YES!" was answered.

In Takiko's Bridal Shop………………

"I love this one!" exclaimed Makoto.

"It suits you extremely well Mako Chan. Maybe you should buy it when Ken pops the question on you," replied Usagi with a wink.

"Hmm… I have to agree with Usako on this one," replied Minako with an approving nod.

"Do you think he shall ask you soon? To marry him that is," inquired young Chibi Usa with wide eyes.

"I hope so," replied Makoto with gleaming eyes.

"Hi Mako!" greeted Ken from outside the bridal shop. "Will you come here? I have a question to ask you.

"Oooohhh! Go Makoto!" was just one of the cries that she heard from her overwhelmed friends. She blushed a bit, sighed a bit, and then shied away a bit. One reason she barely heard any cries was that she was so scared by the news she wasn't even half-listening. However, since it could be an insignificant question and not the "Big question" she figured that there was hardly a thing to think of. Probably, he was going to ask her to the Vanity Fair or something like that.

“Makoto, I love you,” Ken smiled at her.

Makoto looked breathless, “I love you too, does this mean?”

Ken nodded and got down on his knees, holding out an extremely beautiful ring with a 4 carat heart shaped diamond in the middle, and 2 karat diamonds surrounding it. “Makoto Kino, you beat the other girls to the brides’ bouquet. That’s why I’d be honored if you’d be my bride.” Ken smiled his heart-warming smile at her. He took her hand; gently putting the ring on.

As Makoto was trying to catch her breath, she said a breathless, "Oh Ken…Yes of course! She threw her arms around Ken and kissed him.

"Then, it's settled," said a speechless and dumbfounded Ken.

Makoto thanked him again; and ran back into the store to show the other scouts.

"Oh, it is so magnificent!" cried Rei.

"Ohhh, I want one!" said Usagi eyeing Mamoru.

"I wish I had a boyfriend. I am so incredibly happy for you Mako Chan!" said an ecstatic Minako.

"Minako, you sound as though Ken just asked you to marry him," inputted Haruka.

"Wow! I hope you two are happy together," cried Michiru.

"Yes, you are indeed lucky Makoto," said Ami.

"I wish I were older. I wonder with whom I am destined to be with," said little Chibi Usa.

"When is the wedding?" inquired Setsuna.

"Yes, do say," said Hotaru with wide eyes.

"December 6, that way I will be 18 when I marry. Now, I've got a question for you all. Chibi Usa and Hotaru will you be flower girls?"

"SURE THING!" both said at once.

"Now Ami, Rei, Michiru, Haruka, Serena, and Setsuna, would you like to be bridesmaids?"

"Yes!" came the unanimous cry.

"What about me Mommy?" asked little Akane.

"You'll go to the future until you are born, darling." Makoto bent down and kissed Akane on the cheek. "Serenity and my mother will take good care of you. There's a good part to all of this!" said Makoto.

"And what would that be?" asked a doubtful Akane.

"Well, when you are born, you are the official first-in-line princess of Jupiter!" said a satisfied Makoto.

"Oh, well! I wanna be a scout, and train longer here. I don't want to go to the future!" Akane shook her head.

"Oh, come on Akane! It is not that bad. Believe me, I've been there more times than you could ever imagine!" said Chibi Usa. "Maybe, we can play together. That is when I go to the future, I am almost positive I have to go back. I mean, after Momaru leaves, Setsuna and Queen Serenity will ask me to go to the future."

"You mean it?" asked Akane.

"Oh, sure! Momaru is going to college, so that means I go back to the future!" said Chibi Usa.

"By the way, Setsuna, why is it that Chibi Usa goes to the future after Momaru leaves on a trip or something?" asked Usagi.

"Because, Princess, you are not the most trusted nor careful being on this planet. If we left you alone with her, I would be petrified I may wake up to hear that she was dead or something! Besides, at times you two do not get along very well."

"Wait," whined Usagi, "are you saying that I am irresponsible?"

"No, Meatball Head, she's saying you are an idiot!"

"Oh, shut up Rei!" whined Usagi.

"You really are a meatball head! You have spaghetti on the inside of your head to match the meatballs on the outside!" retorted Rei.

"Just because I am destined to be with Momaru, and he likes me better than you, doesn't mean you have to hold it over my head! Itis your problem!" shouted back Usagi.

"Humph." Rei held her head up high. "If Momaru chose you over me, then I do not want him. Only an idiot would choose an ugly, unpopular, nitwit over me!" Rei looked satisfied. At this time an exasperation drop appeared over Makoto's head.

"Please stop fighting!" Makoto begged. "I do not want this to ruin my day. Please, can't you two call a truce for once? I am going to the Crown Arcade and Gaming Center to talk to Andrew."

"Get your fill of it Mako Chan! After you are married you can't flirt anymore!" Minako said.

Makoto smiled. "Wanna come Minako?"

"Sure thing!" Minako smiled and ran up to Makoto.


"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing two beautiful girls at once?" asked Andrew obviously flirting.

"Sorry, but you can't flirt with me much anymore. I am an engaged woman." Makoto flashed the ring.

Andrew looked sad. "But Mako you are my best girl! You know I love to flirt with you more than the other girls! I mean after I broke up with Rita and all..."

Makoto hugged him. "It's ok! Maybe Minako would go out with you."

Andrew looked hopeful. "Minako, would you go out with me? I mean if Makoto says you are a catch, then you are."

Minako smiled. "Yes! You know I would!"